Green purchasing

Green purchasing, also known as sustainable acquisition or environmentally preferable purchasing, helps to reduce adverse impacts to the environment, conserve energy and other natural resources, improve public health and safety, and create new markets and jobs.Ā Per the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101, sustainable products and services means those that are subject to and meet applicable statutory mandates and directives for purchasing, including:

The green purchasing-related content in VA Directive 0057 constitutes VAā€™s Green Purchasing Program.

Helpful green purchasing resources

Sources of supply

Green Purchasing Mandates

It has been Federal policy for more than 40 years to use our purchasing power to help develop, demonstrate the viability of, and sustain markets for various kinds of green products.Ā  Federal requirements include statutes, regulations, and executive orders.Ā  Utilize the links below to learn more about these green purchasing mandates.