Overall – Reviewed, verified, and updated hyperlinks and revised numbering throughout policy
Table of Contents – Leave as is (no appendix additions at this time) – Per SME meeting discussions and follow up with GC
Section 0701 Overview – Budget comments – Based on review and appropriations law comments from Budget, APS updated Overview section; GC comments – Based on review and grammatical/editorial/ authoritative law changes, APS updated Overview section; Budget comments (2) required OGC review – GC comments: no legal objections at this time – no other changes were made to overview section
Section 0702 Policies – 070204 – Paragraph was reviewed and re- written by FMS staff – VA will exercise accounting control for apportionments, reapportionments, allotments, and suballotments. VA can also have additional funding distributions for allowances and suballowances. – there were no additional comments from SMEs
Sections 070209 and 070505 – Updated the policy reference to include two separate references – Vol I Ch 9 Expenditure Transfers, June 2012 and Vo l Ch 11 Intragovernmental Reimbursable Agreements, January 2012
Section 0702 Policies – Adjustments to Expenditures – VA Policy reference updated to Vol I Ch 9 not 9A(comments from FPWG meeting 4/17)
Section 070213 – Per Budget comments, paragraph was verified paragraph is consistent with OMB Circular A-11 (2013) Section 20– leave paragraph as is
Section 070214 (re- numbered) – Section 070214 deleted (duplicate section of Section 070210) (comments from FPWG meeting 4/17)
Section 070220 (re- numbered) – Paragraph was revised and added here from (old section) 070511 (in support of Budget comments)
Section 070223 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – first sentence of paragraph was revised – to address VA’s notification of Congressional officials
Section 070224 (re- numbered) (title updated throughout policy) – Per Budget comments, APS updated the senior executive title throughout policy to Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget
Section 070236 (re- numbered) – Per SMEs discussions, Budget and GC comments, the paragraph wording was updated (previous footnote was deleted)
Section 070240 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – added ‘such as a quarter’ wording to paragraph
Section 070241 (re- numbered) – Per Budget and GC comments, paragraph wording was updated – followed up with MFRS regarding correct title – title was revised to reference ‘Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget’
Section 070243 (re- numbered) – Per SME’s review and discussion, paragraph was revised and run by FMS Director (for review) – FMS comments – ‘Allowance is a part of funds control but not at his level’ – no additional changes were made to paragraph – SMEs concurred
Section 070245 (re- numbered) – Per SME’s review and discussion and Budget comments, paragraph was run by FMS; reviewed and re-written by FMS team; new re-write was vetted through Budget – no additional changes were made subsequent to re-write
Section 0703 Authority and References – Reviewed and updated hyperlinks where applicable
Section 0704 Roles and Responsibilities (070402; 070403(H); 070404; 070404(F)) – 070402 para updated to be consistent with VA policy; 070404 updated for Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget (title); 070403 (H) & 070404 (F) – Budget comments – deleted ‘Operating Expenses’ should read ‘General Administration’
Section 0705 Procedures – 070502 – Budget Comments – paragraph was revised – deleted ‘If required’ and added ‘As authorized by law’ and reference DAS for Budget title
Section 070505 – Reference to policies related expenditure transfers revised to name two separate policies (as done in section 070209)
Section (old section) 070511 (moved under 070220) – Subsequent to Budget review and comments, APS reviewed and moved entire paragraph was moved under 070220
Section 070510 (re- numbered) – Budget comments, paragraph was updated – deleted ‘concepts and’; ‘emphasis in’; and added ‘funding between’
Section 070511 (re- numbered) – SME/Budget/GC discussions – latest paragraph updates were provided by Budget and GC – accepted by SMEs
Section 070512 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – paragraph was updated to include wording at end of sentence ‘and provided the reallocations are in compliance with Congressional reprogramming requirements’
Section 070521 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – add Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget title – elsewhere as applicable
Section 070522 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – paragraph was rewritten to address adherence to specific statutory limitations
Section 070534 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – paragraph was updated to include at end of sentence – ‘and consistent with apportioned amounts’
Section 070537 (re- numbered) – Per SME discussions and Budget comments, paragraph was provided to Director FMS for review and comments – FMS team provided comments – paragraph was re-written by FMS – reviewed by Budget – no additional changes were made to paragraph
Section 070604 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – GC review was required – GC comments – no legal objections at this time – no changes were made to paragraph
Section 070605 (re- numbered) – Per SME discussions and Budget review, it was agreed by the SMEs not to include reference to suballotments and allocations here and to keep existing wording from earlier approved (August 2009) policy – leave paragraph as is
Section 070606 (re- numbered) – Budget comments – Budget’s inquiry was discussed and reference to sub allotments was not used – definition references allotment as the subdivision of funds (paragraph remains the same)
Section 070613 (re- numbered) – Per SME meeting, definition was revised to align with structure of non-expenditure transfer definition
Section 070614 (re- numbered) – Definition was revised – consistent with earlier reference to expired appropriation and appropriations laws
Section 070617 (re- numbered) – Per FSC comments, in regards to definition for Management Fund – ‘we are not aware of any funds with Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols (TAFS) 3900-3999 – FSC researched Circular A-11, FMS monthly reports by Fund Category and Deactivate Funds by Fund Category’ – Per APS review and follow-up – leave paragraph as is
Section 070624 (re- numbered) – Per SME review of policy, new definition was added – Supplemental appropriation – integral concept discussed in policy
Section 070625 (re- numbered) – Per OIT review and comments, APS re-checked the numbering throughout policy – done.
Section 0707 Rescissions – Rescissions section reviewed and updated
Section 0708 Questions – Questions section reviewed – VHA outlook address was updated
Section 0709 Revisions Table – Revisions Table added and updated
A new appendix will not be added at this time – Per GC advisory review and APS reviews & discussion with GC & based on earlier SME meeting discussions, a new appendix will not be added at this time – revisit again in the future as a separate policy to address authorized purchases of employee business cards
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