Overall | Updated the terms and usages of Certifying Officer and Certifying Official throughout policy for consistency purposes | APPS | October 2013 |
0101 Overview | Updated first paragraph “including the roles and responsibilities of a Certifying Officer and Certifying Official” | APPS | October 2013 |
010201.02 Invoice Certification | Referred to Certifying Official instead of Certifying Officer throughout section | APPS | October 2013 |
010205 Administrations and Staff Offices | Added examples for the types of individuals that perform reviews for Administrations and staff offices; changed reference throughout policy from OLCS to Invoice Payment Processing System (IPPS) | APPS | October 2013 |
010206 Payment Certification | Moved (B) & (C) to Vol VIII Ch 1; Deleted (D); moved construction payments to (B) | APPS | October 2013 |
010209 Monetary Liability | Added a new sentence in (A); added reference to “Certifying Officials” throughout section | APPS | October 2013 |
0103 Authority and References | Added reference and link for 010301 31 U.S.C. 3321, Disbursing Authority in the Executive Branch; re-checked links | APPS | October 2013 |
0104 Roles and Responsibilities | Revised 010402 to include reference to “Administration CFO, other office CFO;” revised 010403 “Certifying Officer” role | APPS | October 2013 |
0106 Definitions | 010605 revised definition for “Certifying Officer;” added definition for “Certifying Officer and Disbursing Officer” | APPS | October 2013 |
0107 Rescissions | Added Rescission for current policy Vol VIII Ch 1A | APPS | October 2013 |
0109 Revisions Table | Added Revisions Table | APPS | October 2013 |
Appendix A | Updated the name of system: Fee Basis Claims System (FBCS); spelled out GUI – Graphical User Interface; added NFC system that makes employee salary and benefit payments for OIG | APPS | October 2013 |
Appendix B (A) (1) | Deleted reference to “who uses the Govt travel charge card” – the Prompt Payment Act applies to travel reimbursements, whether or not they use a travel card or not | APPS | October 2013 |
Appendix C | Updated VHA placeholder– VHA will update appendix subsequent to standardizing its procedures for the material on invoice review of medical services | APPS | October 2013 |