Section 0302 Revisions – Moved September 2020 revision history into Appendix A for general policy update.
Section 030509 Rental Automobiles and Special Conveyances – Added requirement to attach mission justification or cost comparison for rental car to the TA for general policy update.
Section 030510 Authorization of Privately-Owned Vehicle – Moved from Section 030511 and updated POV costs may be authorized for travel to/from common carrier terminal. Added conditions for reimbursing POV official use while at the TDY site and the reimbursement is at the full GSA mileage rate for general policy update.
Section 030511 Privately-Owned Vehicle in Lieu of Authorized Mode – Clarified VA Form 10079 is required when POV is chosen instead of the authorized common carrier. Moved POV reimbursement for travel to/from common carrier terminal to Section 030510 for general policy update.
Section 0306 Authorities and References – Added link for VA Form 10079a, Personal Travel in Conjunction with Official Travel Cost Comparison Worksheet for general policy update.
Appendix D: Constructive Travel – Updated to clarify when a cost comparison is required (including personal travel), costs required to be included, and applicable travel segments for general policy update.
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