Various Sections – Reformatted to new policy format and completed 5 year review to reorganize chapter layout.
Section 0801 – Revised this chapter to focus on financial reimbursement processes. Referenced VA Directives 5005 and 5027, and Chief of Staff memorandum, “Appraised Value Offer Program” for policy on PCS, TCS, and AVO authorization. Added: FTR supersedes Union agreement statement; authority for OIG employees to follow OIG directives, policy, and guidance. OIG Report 15-02997-526 9/28/15; Office of Internal Controls (OIC) PCS Report; General Policy Update
Section 0803
Added: definitions for Appointing Official; Commuted Rate; Relocation Service Company. for general policy update;
Updated Immediate Family incorporating Domestic Partner with FTR link for accessing current definitions due to FTR Amendment 2015-02; and
Removed: definitions not referenced in the chapter and others deemed not necessary for general policy update.
Section 0804 – Added roles and responsibilities for: SECVA, Human Resources Admin. (HRA), Hiring Official, Servicing Human Resource (HR) Office, Financial Service Center (FSC) Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Travel Division, Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction (OALC). Updated Approving Official and Traveler. Consolidated roles and responsibilities. Revisions due to OIG Report 15-02997-526 and OIC PCS Report.
Section 0805 – Reorganized subsections for general policy update.
Section 080501 – Added: subsections and reorganized guidance; reference to VA Directive 5005 and 5027 for approval of PCS relocation allowance entitlements ; reference to COSVA Memorandum for approval of AVO; Gaining Station, HR, and FSC approval for relocation, AVO, and Home Marketing Incentive (HMI) Award; documentation requirements; travel authorization and travel advance guidance; regulation on fraud during a relocation. Clarified time limits, reporting dates, waiver approvals, and extensions. Revisions due to FTR 2014-01, OIG Report, 15-02997-526, and OIC PCS Report.
Section 080502 – Improved guidance on Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE) request, approval, time limit and extensions, and reimbursement requirements. Revisions due to OIG Report 15-02997-526 and general policy update.
Section 080503 – Added: FSC restrictions on initiating HMI award for SES, and SES Equivalent, Title 38 employees unless specifically authorized in AVO memorandum; requirements for assessing homesale programs. Removed AVO approval guidance. Revisions due to OIG Report15-02997-526 9/28/15, OIC PCS Report, and general policy update.
Section 080504 – Added miscellaneous expense requirements for flat fees for general policy update.
Section 080505 – Added policy on household good prepayments; use of ships for international shipping; HHG shipment pre-paid audit requirements; household good and shipping limitations; approving extended storage; determining storage locations; and unaccompanied air baggage shipping. Revisions due to OIC PCS Report.
Section 080509 – Updated relocation withholding and income tax requirements. for FTR Amendment 2014-01.
Section 0806 – Updated references and links removed outdated links for general policy update.
Section 0807 – Rescinded Relocation Packages chapter for revised chapter.
Section 0808 – Updated Point of Contact information for general policy update.
Appendices – Reorganized based on order of occurrence in Chapter and removed previous Appendices N and O, on transfers and other Outside of the Continental United States allowances for general policy update.
Appendix A – Added Chief of Staff Memorandum, “Appraised Value Offer Program”, dated November 10, 2016 for OIG Report 15-02997-526.
Appendix B – Added HR and FSC relocation allowance and AVO documentation requirements. Removed procedures on accessing the PCS Travel Portal, provided link to FSC guidance. Revisions due to OIC PCS Report and general policy update.
Appendix C – Added Property Management Services contracted negotiated rate requirements due to OIC PCS Report.
Appendix E – Added: delegation authority for 50-mile distance waiver, 90 day reporting, 30 day waiver for second year extension; extensions of HHG storage; and unaccompanied air baggage. Removed relocation approvals. Revisions due to general policy update and OIC PCS Report.
Appendix F – Added guidance on travel advances due to OIC PCS Report.
Appendix G –Updated privately-owned vehicle mileage rate and effective date for general policy update.
Appendix H – Updated TQSE maximum daily allowable amounts for general policy update.
Appendix I – Added COSVA authorization requirement to initiate reimbursement of HMI Award to SES, and SES Equivalent, Title 38 employees for Public Law 114-113.
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