Sunaina Kumar-Giebel became the Deputy Network Director in July 2014. In this role she serves as the Chief Operating Officer for the VA Rocky Mountain Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 19. She is responsible for the operations, management, planning, budgeting, and service delivery in the provision of healthcare in eight Health Care Systems and 120 additional sites of care .The Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Oklahoma City Health Care System and the Salt Lake City Health Care System have active medical school affiliations. VISN 19 serves an area covering the states of Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and portions of Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada and North Dakota.
Previously, from 2011-2014, Mrs. Kumar-Giebel worked at VA Central office in Washington D.C. as a Health Systems Specialist in the VHA Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (DUSHOM). In this role she and her team served as primary liaison between headquarters and 7 VISNS managing routine & operational issues affecting healthcare delivery, resources, and internal/external stakeholder relations. She also managed the VACO practicum for the Graduate Health Care Administrative Training Program (GHATP) Residents/Fellows, Health Systems Management Trainees, and Presidential Management Fellows. Mrs. Kumar-Giebel was selected to assist standing up VHA’s office of Community Engagement in conjunction with the Secretary’s Public and Private Partnership Workgroup. She served as Acting EA to the DUSHOM in December 2013.
Prior to working in VACO, Mrs. Kumar-Giebel was the Health Systems Specialist to the Medical Center Director, West Palm Beach in VISN 8 from 2009 to 2011, where she was responsible for various programs and special projects on behalf of the leadership team. From 2007 to 2009, Mrs. Kumar-Giebel served as the Administrative Officer and Clinic Manager for Primary Care and all Specialty Care Outpatient Clinics at the New York Harbor Health Care System. Mrs. Kumar-Giebel began her career with the VA as a GHATP Fellow at the Northport VAMC in Long Island, NY.
Mrs. Kumar-Giebel is a graduate of VISN level leadership programs and an active member in the American College of Healthcare Executives. She is also a member of the ACHE Regent Advisory Council. She serves in various roles for the Western State Network Consortium, National Leadership Board, HR Modernization, and VISN Executive Leadership Council.
Mrs. Kumar-Giebel grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Corporate Financial Management from Case Western Reserve University in conjunction with the University of Akron. She received her Master’s in Health Administration from the University of Pittsburgh in 2006. Mrs. Kumar-Giebel lives in Denver with her husband and son where they enjoy outdoor activities, sports, traveling and spending time with loved ones.