Nathan Sanfilippo was appointed as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Enterprise Integration (OEI) in May 2024. Nathan is the principal career executive advisor to key officials within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) responsible for driving unity of effort across the Department in support of Veterans, specifically including the areas of: enterprise governance; strategic planning; risk management; performance management; data governance and analytics; program integration; and collaboration with the Department of Defense.
Nathan previously served as Executive Director of Multi-Channel Technology in the Veterans Experience Office (VEO) from September 2021 to May 2024. He led a team responsible for delivering world-class customer-centric experiences by designing enterprise technology and data strategies and connecting the Veteran community to the VA.
Prior to joining the VA, Nathan served for 19 years at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). As an expert in nuclear regulatory policy, licensing, and inspection, he held numerous leadership roles involving: oversight of the nation’s nuclear power plant inspection program; rulemaking for advanced nuclear reactors; and implementation of U.S. nuclear power plant enhancements based on lessons learned from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.
In 2018, Nathan completed a year-long White House Leadership Development Program fellowship at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) leading government-wide customer experience (CX) initiatives. He was the architect of the “Improving Customer Experience with Federal Services” Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal and co-authored the original government-wide CX guidance in OMB Circular A-11.
Nathan is a graduate of OMB’s Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program and has been recognized with 27 government awards, as well as the Service to the Citizen Award in 2019.