Various | Reformatted to new policy format and completed 5-year review | OFP (047G) | Reorganized chapter layout | January 2018 |
Various | Changed Volume and Chapter from Volume III, Chapter 10 to Volume V, Chapter 13 | OFP (047G) | To categorize the chapter with other Asset chapters | January 2018 |
1303 Definitions | Added, removed, and modified definitions previously included | OFP (047G) | To add clarity | January 2018 |
1304 Roles and Responsibilities | Added responsibility for OIT to maintain an IUS standard operating procedure (SOP) and working group | OFP (047G) | To address Notice of Findings Report (NFR) VA 15-1, Financial Reporting | January 2018 |
1305 Policies | Added language for use of reasonable estimates and revaluing previously reported assets as authorized by FASAB SFFAS No. 50 | OFP (047G) | FASAB updated guidance | January 2018 |
1305 Policies | Updated dollar threshold for capitalization of IUS to $1 million and 4 years or more (NTE 20 years) | OFP (047G) | Update to VA’s threshold | January 2018 |
1305 Policies | Emphasized tracking and recognition of full cost Defined VA’s Development phase | OFP (047G) | To address NFR VA 15-1 and 16-4, Financial Reporting | January 2018 |
1305 Policies | Clarified accounting for cloud computing, services made available by a non-VA provider | OFP (047G) | Updates to reflect change in technology | January 2018 |
1306 Authorities and References | Added FASAB SFFAS 50, TR 16 and TR 17 Removed FASAB SFFAS 35 and TR 5 | OFP (047G) | FASAB updated guidance | January 2018 |
1306 Authorities and References | Added OIT EPMO VIP Business Office SharePoint | OFP (047G) | Reference to VIP Guide | January 2018 |
1308 Questions | Added POC for NCA and FSC | OFP (047G) | Ensure appropriate contacts are listed | January 2018 |
Appendix A | Added Appendix A | OFP (047G) | Provides additional guidance on VIP | January 2018 |