Section 0704 Roles and Responsibilities – Updated delegation of authority roles and responsibilities relating to approval of the exception for lodging and meal expenses in the local area per the Secretary of VA (SECVA) Memorandum, “Delegation of Authority for Travel and Conferences”.
Section 070505 Authorizing Lodging and Meal Expenses in the Local Area as “Necessary Expenses” of Training – Updated delegation of authority roles and responsibilities relating to approval of the exception for lodging and meal expenses in the local area per the SECVA Memorandum, “Delegation of Authority for Travel and Conferences”.
Section 0707 Rescissions – Rescinded VA Financial Policy Volume XIV Chapter 7, Local Travel, June 2018 as part of a general update.
Appendix C: Procedures for Requesting Approval for the Necessary Expenses of Training – Updated designated positions with authority to approve necessary expenses of training in the Sample Memo per the SECVA Memorandum, “Delegation of Authority for Travel and Conferences”.
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