Volume XVI - Charge Card Programs
Chapter 01 – Administrative Actions for Government Purchase Cards
Questions concerning this policy chapter should be directed to:
0101 Overview
This chapter establishes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) financial policies regarding the issuance and administration of Government purchase cards. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Government Purchase Card Program was established, in participation with the General Services Administration (GSA) Smart Pay Program, to reduce administrative costs for acquisition of goods and services utilizing Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP).
The Principal Executive Director and Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO), OALC, delegated the authority for micro-purchases, in conjunction with the GSA Government Purchase Card Program, to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The CFO further delegated this authority to the Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Other Key Officials, with the stipulation that this authority can be further re-delegated to employees no lower than the GS-15 level. Copies of the Delegations of Authority are in Appendix C.
Key points covered in this chapter:
- Eligibility for obtaining a purchase card;
- How to report lost or stolen purchase cards;
- Out-processing procedures when turning in a purchase card;
- Safeguarding purchase cards; and
- Record retention for documentation related to purchase card activities.
Additional details on VA’s financial policies and procedures for the Government Purchase Card Program are described in the following chapters of this volume:
- Chapter 2, Government Purchase Card for Micro-Purchases; and
- Chapter 3, Government Convenience Checks.
0102 Revisions
Section | Revision | Requesting Office | Reason for Change | Effective Date |
10501 | Added information on requesting GPC for payment of arbitration services. | OFP | Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Class Deviation to FAR 2.101(b). | June 2024 |
Appendix D | Updated requirements to VA Form 0242 specific to separate purchase accounts for payment of arbitration services. | OFP | FSC News Flash, FY24, Issue 16. | June 2024 |
Various | Reformatted chapter to current standards. | OFP | Leadership directed. | June 2024 |
For a complete list of previous policy revisions, see Appendix A.
0103 Definitions
Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPC) – A VA employee that serves as the primary point of contact for the Government Purchase Card Program for their agency/organization. The A/OPC oversees administration of the Government Purchase Card Program in accordance with law, regulation, and policy.
Approving Official (AO) – The AO ensures that the purchase card is used properly, authorizes cardholder purchases (for official use only), and ensures that monthly statements are reconciled in a timely manner.
Charge Card Portal (CCP) – VA’s internet-based system, which provides a variety of features intended to assist in the effective management of the Purchase Card Program, including training logs and electronic storage of supporting documents related to purchase card transactions.
Electronic Access System (EAS) – The charge card servicing bank’s internet-based system which provides a variety of reports and assists in the effective management of the purchase card.
Government Purchase Cardholder – A VA employee who is delegated the authority to obligate funds on behalf of the Government and has successfully completed all mandatory training requirements.
Internal Controls – Systematic measures which include periodic and continuous monitoring, checks and balances, policies, procedures, and segregation of duties implemented to reduce the risk of error, fraud, waste, and abuse.
Merchant Category Code (MCC) – A four-digit number used to classify the business by the type of goods or services it provides.
Purchase Card Certification Form (VA Form 0242) – The approved form grants a VA employee the authority to become a cardholder and obligate funds on behalf of the Government.
Purchase Order (PO) – A Government offer to buy supplies or services upon specified terms and conditions using simplified acquisition procedures; see FAR 2.101, FAR 13.302 (binding when executed).
Out-Processing – The process used when an employee retires, transfers, or leaves the VA.
Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) – Methods prescribed in FAR Part 13.3 for purchasing goods or services. SAPs are designed for relatively simple Government requirements, and their use is subject to designated micro-purchase thresholds in FAR Part 2.101 and Public Law 115-91 for goods or services.
Split Purchase – Intentionally modifying a known requirement into two or more purchases or payments in order to circumvent the micro-purchase threshold for a single purchase.
Unauthorized Commitment – A purchase made by a Government representative who lacks the authority to bind the Government or whom exceeds their delegated authority or purchases made that are not in accordance with FAR and VARR.
0104 Roles and Responsibilities
Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) oversees all financial management activities relating to the direction, management, and administration of the VA Purchase Card Program.
Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Other Key Officials are responsible for ensuring that the offices within their authorities are in compliance with the policies and procedures set forth in this chapter including assessing appropriate disciplinary actions.
Administrations and Staff Office Chief Financial Officers, Fiscal Officers, and Chief Accountants are responsible for ensuring that the office(s) within their fiscal responsibility establishes internal controls to safeguard Government resources and complies with the policies and procedures set forth in this chapter.
Office of Acquisition and Logistics and Construction (OALC) is responsible for establishing acquisition policy and ensuring that the Department makes strategic sourcing decisions that maximize its purchasing authority.
VHA Procurement and Logistics Office (PLO) The Chief Procurement Officer (CPO), as designated by the Under Secretary for Health, is responsible for the oversight of the Purchase Card Program within VHA. The CPO may re-delegate the authority to issue purchase cards and convenience checks; however, this authority may not be delegated lower than the GS-15 level.
Responsible Officials are the highest ranking officials (senior executives or GS-15) of any individual offices that hold purchase cards. They are responsible for ensuring that their cardholders and AOs are complying with the policy as well as preventing and mitigating non-compliances.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that cardholders, AOs, or A/OPCs in their line of authority are in compliance with this policy and for assessing appropriate disciplinary actions
Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs) oversee the card program(s) for his or her agency/organization; establish purchase card accounts in the servicing bank’s Electronic Access System (EAS); serve as liaison between the cardholder and the servicing bank; provide on-going advice; review purchase card account activity; maintain necessary account information; monitor and track card program participants that violate policy; and ensure that the offices take appropriate action to address any instances of policy violations.
Level 1 A/OPC – The Financial Services Center (FSC) Charge Card Operations Division serves as the Level 1 A/OPC.
Level 2 A/OPC – Provides oversight of the Purchase Card Program at the Administration level for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), National Cemetery Administration (NCA), Office of Information and Technology (OI&T), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and VA Central Office (VACO). This position provides technical advice and guidance to the lower-level A/OPCs and reports within 15 days any policy violations and resulting corrective actions to the Level 1 A/OPC.
Level 3 A/OPC –known as Purchase Card Program Managers serve as a liaison between Level 2 A/OPC and Level 4 A/OPCs. Level 3 A/OPCs are currently only being utilized by VHA. Level 3 A/OPCs are responsible for:
- Providing technical advice and guidance to the lower-level A/OPCs;
- Providing initial and refresher training and guidance to Level 4 A/OPCs;
- Reporting violations and disciplinary actions to the next level A/OPC;
- Providing oversight of the Purchase Card Program at the station-level;
- Providing technical guidance for all cardholders and AOs under his/her hierarchy;
- Analyzing the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of the Purchase Card Program;
- Investigating potential violations and fraud indicators; and
- Managing and responding to external oversight organizations.
Level 4 A/OPC – are responsible for the following:
- Entering the cardholder’s account application in the servicing bank’s EAS;
- Monitoring and tracking policy violations;
- Ensuring that supervisors take appropriate actions to address violations;
- Reporting violations and disciplinary actions to the next level A/OPC;
- Providing oversight of the Purchase Card Program at the station-level;
- Ensuring mandatory purchase card training is completed and up to date for all cardholders;
- Providing technical guidance for all cardholders and AOs under his/her hierarchy;
- Analyzing the effectiveness, efficiency and productivity of the Purchase Card Program;
- Investigating potential violations and fraud indicators; and
- Managing and responding to external oversight organizations.
Approving Officials (AOs) are responsible for the following:
- Working with direct line supervisors to identify qualified employees to be cardholders;
- Recommending single purchase and monthly purchase thresholds in conjunction with the A/OPC, Fiscal Office, and the delegating authority;
- Providing guidance to cardholders in response to issues they raise related to use of the purchase card;
- Ensuring that only authorized purchases are made;
- Ensuring timely reconciliation of charges made by cardholders;
- Reporting to the Level 4 A/OPC whenever purchase cards are lost, stolen, or compromised;
- Monitoring and reporting to the A/OPC when cardholders transfer, retire, are terminated, or for any other reason have no further need of a purchase card;
- Monitoring and reporting disciplinary actions resulting from cardholder misuse within 5 days to the Level 4 A/OPC;
- Review spending thresholds and the need for cards annually in accord with PL 112-194 and PL 115-91; and
- Completing mandatory training related to their approving official duties.
Cardholders ensure proper adherence to purchase card policies, and are limited to acquisition, logistics, finance personnel, prosthetics, and other such personnel approved on a limited basis by the level 2 A/OPC. Cardholders are responsible for the following:
- Completing mandatory training related to their purchase card duties;
- Surrendering the purchase card upon termination of employment, retirement, or transfer to a new position;
- Being knowledgeable of purchase card policies, hierarchy of purchases, and the limitations on spending thresholds and vendor selection;
- Reporting to the AO, Level 4 A/OPC, and servicing bank whenever purchase cards are lost, stolen, or compromised;
- Making authorized purchases; and
- Uploading documentation related to purchases to an automated imaging system.
0105 Policies
010501 General Policies
- Cardholders, AOs, and A/OPCs must comply with the requirements in OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B, Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs.
- All VA program administrators, cardholders, AOs, and A/OPCs must ensure compliance with Public Law P. L. 112-194, “Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012”.
- Cardholders must be nominated by either the employee’s direct-line supervisor or their AO. All cardholders, AOs, and A/OPC must be permanent VA employees, except for Department of Defense active duty military service members who are assigned at a joint integrated Federal Health Care Center. Contractors cannot be an A/OPC, AO, or cardholder.
- Cardholders, AOs and A/OPCs are required to have purchase card duties incorporated as a component of their performance plan.
- Supervisors of cardholders, AOs, and A/OPCs must ensure that the employees are properly carrying out their duties and dispense timely and proper disciplinary actions.
- A/OPCs, AOs, and cardholders must complete mandatory training prior to their participation in the Purchase Card Program. Training certificates must be retained by the Level 4 A/OPC and be readily available if requested. Refresher training is required every two years for all program participants. Failure to complete training prior to the expiration date will result in immediate suspension of the cardholder’s account(s) and/or revocation of program official’s duties. Administrations and Staff Offices may identify additional training requirements. For more information see Appendix B.
- Cardholders with authority above the micro-purchase threshold must have the necessary acquisition training to meet statutory requirements for Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) and be issued a warrant. An AO does not need to be a warranted contracting officer, but must possess at least the same FAC-C Level or higher, than the cardholder. Information on training can be found online at: http://www.acquisitionacademy.va.gov/index.asp/veteransaffairs.
- Cardholders paying for arbitration services above the micro-purchase threshold up to $50,000, in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Class Deviation memorandum dated May 3, 2024, must in accordance with FSC News Flash, FY 2024, Issue 16, dated May 17, 2024, establish a separate purchase card account. This account may only be used for the authorized payment of arbitration services. See Appendix D for specific information required on VA Form 0242 to establish this type of account.
- VA Form 0242 – Governmentwide Purchase Card Certification Form is used to delegate authority to an individual to use the purchase card to procure and pay for goods and services.
- Level 4 A/OPCs must submit all purchase card account applications in the servicing bank’s EAS.
- Requests to increase or decrease the purchase card single purchase limit must be submitted via email to Purchase Card Operations at FSC for action.
- All warranted contracting officers who are cardholders must upload a copy of their current warrant into the Electronic Contract Management System (eCMS) prior to the submission of VA Form 0242 to the FSC.
- FSC will review and verify the application in the servicing bank’s EAS after a completed VA Form 0242 is received. This review will be performed for all accounts, including those belonging to warranted contracting officers.
- VA Form 0242 must be updated when the following changes occur:
- Change in AO or Alternate AO;
- Adding an Alternate AO;
- When a cardholder legally changes their name; or
- Increasing the single purchase limit higher than the originally requested amount on the approved VA Form 0242 for a current cardholder.
- Stations must maintain appropriate segregation of duties within the Purchase Card Program to ensure roles and responsibilities do not overlap. All roles that include responsibility for overseeing, auditing, and reporting cannot be issued a purchase card. For example, a cardholder cannot also be the A/OPC or AO for his/her account(s).
- To ensure that AOs can perform an adequate review and verification of cardholder transactions, AOs are limited to no more than 25 purchase card accounts under his/her purview. VHA Prosthetic purchase card accounts are exempt from this limit and may have a ratio as high as 40 purchase card accounts to one AO.
- Purchase cards will bear the same name as the employee as it appears in the Global Address List (GAL).
- Cardholders’ conduct must meet the highest ethical standards. Each cardholder and AO has a duty to protect and conserve Government property and will use purchase cards only for authorized purposes. The standards of conduct, which apply to cardholders, further state that employees may not solicit or accept any gratuity, gift, favor, entertainment, loan, or anything of monetary value from any party doing business with or seeking to obtain business with VA (5 C.F.R. § 2635.202). Employees may seek ethics advice from their regional counsel or an ethics official at the Office of General Counsel.
- Cardholders must safeguard their purchase cards in a secure location, such as a locked drawer, to protect against theft, loss, and forgery.
010502 Out-Processing
- Cardholders must perform the tasks listed below, before they can be cleared of their duties (or out-processed) by their AO and A/OPC:
- Complete the Separation Notice and Employee Debt Clearance form (VA Form 3248) or a station specific version of this form. Cardholders may contact their supervisor or payroll office for the station specific version of the 3248;
- Provide the AO with a complete list of outstanding transactions, as well as the receipts and any other documents related to the outstanding transactions prior to departing the position. The list of outstanding transactions should note any unapproved, unresolved, or disputed transactions, and should include any documentation necessary to support the status of those transactions; and
- Turn in their assigned purchase card(s) to the Level 4 A/OPC for closure and destruction.
- Cardholders shall not create any new transactions during his or her final two weeks before leaving VA employment or transferring to a new position within VA.
- When out-processing a cardholder, the AO must perform the following tasks:
- nsure and verify that all outstanding transactions in the servicing bank’s EAS and Integrated Funds Distribution Control Point Activity (IFCAP), or Centralized Administrative Accounting Transaction System (CAATS) are processed and reconciled on the account. IFCAP and CAATS transactions can be re-assigned to an alternate cardholder for action;
- Close out any open/outstanding and/or pending transactions with vendors and within VA’s systems; and
- Notify the Level 4 A/OPC that they are to cancel the cardholder’s account(s).
- The Level 4 A/OPC will terminate the cardholder’s account(s) immediately upon notification from the AO or from the cardholder, and will destroy the card(s) upon receipt.
010503 Lost or Stolen Cards
- Cardholders must report lost or stolen purchase cards immediately to the Level 4 A/OPC and to the servicing bank. In addition, cardholders must provide written notice of the loss or theft to the AO and A/OPC. The notification must include the below information:
- Account number;
- Cardholder’s name;
- Date lost or stolen;
- Location of the loss or theft;
- Date reported to the VA police (if theft occurred on Federal property);
- Date and time the loss was reported to the VA servicing bank;
- Transactions made by the cardholder on the date the purchase card was lost or stolen; and
- Include any other relevant information describing the loss or theft.
- VA is not liable for unauthorized charges on lost or stolen purchase cards when the loss is properly reported to the servicing bank. Cardholders and AOs should ensure that only valid charges appear on the account and should work with the servicing bank to ensure unauthorized charges are properly disputed.
010504 Record Retention
- Record retention must be in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 410, General Schedule 6 and FAR subpart 4.805, Charge card documents and receipts are required to be maintained for 6 years. Cardholders will upload supporting documentation for each transaction into the Charge Card Portal (CCP) system when available.
- Below is a list of supporting documentation pertaining to the issuance and termination of a purchase card, that must be retained by the cardholder’s department:
- Training certifications;
- Governmentwide Purchase Card Certification Form (VA Form 0242);
- Contracting warrant, if applicable; and
- Out-processing form.
0106 Authorities and References
- 5 C.F.R. 2635, Office of Government Ethics, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch.
- Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
- FAR Part 23 Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace
- FAR Subpart 1.602-3 – Ratification of unauthorized commitments
- FAR Subpart 2.101 – Definitions
- FAR Subpart 4.805 – Storage, handling, and contract files
- FAR Subpart 13.003(c)(2)
- FAR Subpart 13.3 – Simplified Acquisition Methods
- FAR 13.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card
- FAR Subpart 22.10 – Service Contract Labor Standards
- FAR Subpart 29.302 – Application of State and local taxes to the Government
- FAR Subpart 39.2 – Information and Communication Technology
- 31 U.S.C. § 3905, Payment Provisions Relating to Construction Contracts
- 38 U.S.C. § 3319, Authority to Transfer Unused Education Benefits to Family Members
- Treasury Financial Manual Volume I, Chapter 4700, Agency Reporting Requirements for the Financial Report of the United States Government
- Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Class Deviation to FAR 2.101 with Respect to FAR 13.301, Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card
- FSC News Flash FY24 Issue 16 – FAR Deviation for Payment of Arbitration Services on the Purchase Card
- General Services Administration (GSA) Smart Pay Program
- OMB Memorandum M-13-21, Implementation of the Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012, dated September 6, 2013
- OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control, Appendix B, Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs
- OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control, Appendix C, Requirements for Effective Estimation and Remediation of Improper Payments
- P.L. 112-194, Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012, October 5, 2012
- Public Law 115-91, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
- Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP)
- VA OALC Acquisition Academy Web site
0107 Rescissions
Volume XVI, Chapter 1A – Administrative Actions for Government Purchase Cards, June 2018.
Appendix A: Previous Policy Revisions
Section | Revision | Requesting Office | Reason for Change | Effective Date |
All | New Policy | Office of Financial Policy | Create separate chapters from Volume XVI – Charge Card Programs/Chapter 1 Government Purchase Card Program | June 2018 |
Various | Reformatted to new policy format and completed 5 year review | Office of Financial Policy | Reorganized chapter layout | June 2018 |
Various | Roles and Responsibilities | Office of Financial Policy | Strengthened Internal Controls and updated language on accountability to be more clear and concise | June 2018 |
Appendix B: Government Purchase Card Training Requirements
The below table lists the mandatory training requirements for Cardholders, AOs, and A/OPCs. All personnel must complete the initial and refresher training, and keep a copy of all training certificates as proof of completion.
- The cardholder will submit their training certificates and completed VA FORM 0242, via email or hardcopy to the AO.
- The AO will sign the VA FORM 0242 and forward it and the training certificates to the Level 4 A/OPC via email or hardcopy.
- The Level 4 A/OPC will review the VA FORM 0242 and all training documentation.
When all documentation is properly completed, the Level 4 A/OPC will create a purchase card account in the servicing bank’s EAS, and email all documentation to purchasecardops@va.gov. - All personnel must complete their refresher training within the required interval, and must email the Level 4 A/OPC with their updated training certificates before the old certification expires.
Course Title | Cardholder | Approving Official | A/OPC |
VA Online Purchase Card Training (TMS Course #: VA 5863) | Every two years | Every two years | Every two years |
GSA SmartPay Purchase Card Training for Cardholders (Course# 3870979) () | Every two years | Every two years | N/A |
Unauthorized Commitment Training (TMS Course #: 1701572) | Every two years | Every two years | Every two years |
GSA SmartPay Agency Organization Program Coordinator Training Course (3870980 | N/A | N/A | Every two years |
Appendix C: Delegation of Authority for Use of a Purchase Card
The VA has three current delegations of authority associated with the purchase card. The delegations are attached, and summarized below:
- The VA Secretary has designated the Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (OALC) as the Acting Chief Acquisition Officer for the Department of Veterans Affairs;
- The Principle Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and, Construction (OALC) delegated authority to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer, Office of Management (OM), to issue Government purchase cards and manage the Government Purchase Card Program; and
- The Under Secretary of Health has re-delegated the micro-purchase threshold authority for issuing purchase cards to the Chief of Procurement and Logistics office (PLO) for all the Veteran Affairs Medical Centers, in conjunction with the OM financial oversight.
The Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer, via this policy chapter, has re-delegated the authority to approve the issuance of purchase cards and the approval of VA FORM 0242, to the Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and Other Key Officials, and has authorized re-delegation of this authority to VA employees no lower than a GS-15 level.
February 12, 2009
SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority Defined by the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003 to the Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction
- This memorandum designates the Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (001ALC) as the Acting Chief Acquisition Officer for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and delegates the following responsibilities identified by the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003 to the incumbent.
- This delegation includes, but is not limited to, the authority to:
- Advice and assist the Secretary on the appropriate business strategy to achieve VA’s mission.
- Advice and assist the Secretary and other VA officials in ensuring that acquisition activities contribute to achieving VA’s mission.
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of VA’s acquisition programs based on applicable performance measurements.
- Establish policies, procedures, and practices that increase the use of full and open competition in the acquisition of goods and services by the executive agency.
- Increase appropriate use of performance-based contracting and performance specifications in the the VA’s acquisition activities.
- Make VA’s acquisition decisions consistent with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
- Establish clear lines of authority, accountability, and responsibility for VA’s acquisition decisions.
- Manage the direction of VA acquisition policy, including implementation of VA’s acquisition regulations, policies, and standards.
- Develop and maintain a VA acquisition career management program to ensure that VA has an adequate professional acquisition workforce.
- Review, as part of VA’s strategic planning and performance evaluation process, current requirements for VA personnel regarding knowledge and skill in acquisition resource management and determine whether such requirements adequately facilitate the achievement of the performance goals established for VA’s acquisition management.
- Develop, if necessary, strategies and specific plans for hiring, training, and professional development for VA’s acquisition personnel.
- Report to the Secretary on the improved progress made by VA acquisition management capability.
- AUTHORITY. Section 1421 of the Services Acquisition Reform Act (SARA), Public Law 108-136, 41 United States Code 414, et seq. and Executive Decision Memorandum issued by the Secretary of the VA on October 10, 2008, establishing the Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction.
- RESTRICTIONS. This delegation cancels and supersedes the previous delegation signed July 22, 2005, designating the Assistant Secretary for Management as the Department of Veterans Affairs Chief Acquisition Officer.
- REDELEGATION. The Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction, may further delegate the authority of the Chief Acquisition Officer, subject to the provisions of Section 1421 of Public Law 108-136.
- EFFECTIVE DATE. This designation and delegation of authority is effective upon signature and remains in effect until the appointment of an Assistant Secretary who will assume the duties of the Chief Acquisition Officer.
Eric K. Shinseki
MAY 23 2016
SUBJECT: Micro-Purchase Delegation of Authority
- This memorandum delegates to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer micro-purchase authority, solely in conjunction with the Government-wide commercial purchase card program.
- In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 2 – Definitions of Words and Terms, “Micro-purchase threshold” means $3,500, except it means –
- For acquisitions of construction subject to 40 U.S.C. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Constructions), formerly know as the Davis-Bacon Act, $2,000;
- For acquisitions of services subject to 41 U.S.C. chapter 67, Service Contract Labor Standards, formerly known as the Service Contract Act of 1965, $2,500; and
- For acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological attack as described in 13.201(g)(1), except for constructions subject to 40 U.S.C. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) (41 U.S.C. 1903) –
- $20,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, inside the United States; and
- $30,000 in the case of any contract to be awarded and performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States.
- AUTHORITY. Memorandum for the Under Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and other Key Officials, dated February 12, 2009, Subject: Delegation of Authority Defined by the Service Acquisition Reform Act of 2003, to the Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (attached).
- RESTRICTIONS. All procurements must be made in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to, the FAR and the VA Acquisition Regulation. This delegation cancels and superseded all previous delegations of authority that may conflict with this delegation.
- REDELEGATION. The Assistant Secretary for Management and CFO may redelegate this authority as authorized in the attached February 12, 2009, memorandum.
- EFFECTIVE DATE. This delegation of authority is effective upon signature and remains in effect until rescinded by the CAO.
Gregory L. Giddens
Department of
Veterans Affairs
Oct 21 2016
Under Secretary for Health (10)
Re-delegation of Government Purchase Card and Convenience Checks Use Authority (VAIQ 7735435)
Acting Chief Procurement and Logistics Officer (10NA2)
- DELEGATION. This memorandum assigns to the Chief Procurement and Logistics Officer the authority to delegate the use of government purchase cards and convenience checks.
- AUTHORITIES. VA Financial Policy, Volume XVI, Charge Card Programs, Chapter 01, Government Purchase Card Program, dated July 2016.
- RESTRICTIONS. None. This delegation cancels and supersedes all previous delegations of authority that may conflict with this delegation.
- REDELEGATION. The Chief Procurement and Logistics Officer may further re-delegate this authority per VA Financial Policy, Volume XVI, Charge Card Programs, Chapter 01, Government Purchase Card Program, Section 010201 A, dated July 2016.
- EFFECTIVE DATE. This delegation of authority is effective upon signature and will expire 2 years after the date delegated.
David J. Shulkin, M.D.
Appendix D: Completing VA Form 0242 and the Certification Process
- All cardholders and AOs must complete VA FORM 0242 to finalize the process of obtaining a purchase card with procurement authority.
- The Cardholder, AO, and Alternate AO (if applicable) must complete the steps below:
- The cardholder, AO, and Alternate AO (if applicable) will sign VA FORM 0242, certifying that they understand the policies and regulations relative to micro-purchase requirements.
- The Level 4 A/OPC will verify that the form is properly completed and signed. The Level 4 A/OPC will sign the form, certifying that the cardholder, AO, and Alternate AO (if applicable) have completed all mandatory training.
- The form must be signed by someone that has been delegated the authority as specified in Appendix C.
- The Level 4 A/OPC will forward the form to the Level 1 A/OPC for final approval. A copy of the signed form is returned to the local A/OPC for recordkeeping.
- If there are changes to the single procurement threshold, the AO, or the Alternate AO, a revised VA FORM 0242 is required and must be emailed to purchasecardops@va.gov.
- In accordance with FSC News Flash FY 24, Issue 16, cardholders authorized to pay arbitration services up to $50,000 must establish a separate purchase card account using VA FORM 0242, the form must be established in VA’s Charge Card Portal (CCP) with the following information:
- Department Name/Warrant Number field on the form must include the word “ARBITRATION” for tracking and identification purposes; and
- The single procurement limit (SPL) may not exceed $50,000.
- Questions or concerns related to the purchase card, VA Form 0242, or CCP, contact via email to purchasecardops@va.gov.