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Chapter 01B – Standard Vouchers

Volume II - Appropriations Funds and Related Information

Date Approved: March 12, 2025

Financial Documents

Volume II - Appropriations Funds and Related Information

Chapter 01B – Standard Vouchers

0101 Overview

This chapter establishes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) financial policy for processing standard vouchers (SVs), interface transactions, batch transactions, and budget transaction codes.

Key points covered in this chapter:

  • Proper preparation of SVs is important to ensure that financial events are accurately recorded and documented;
  • VA will document SV transactions in such a manner that additional descriptions or discussions should not be required to understand the purpose of the SV and to verify the accuracy of the posted entry;
  • VA will ensure that transactions are reviewed and promptly approved by appropriate personnel, and that documentation of approval is maintained for audit purposes; and
  • SV documentation must contain the transaction code to be posted. It is not a requirement to include the general ledger accounts.

0102 Revisions

SectionRevisionOfficeReason for ChangeEffective Date
VariousNew chapterOFPEstablish policy for standard vouchers.March 2025

0103 Definitions

Expenditure Transfers – The moving of budgetary resources from one budget account Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) to another that involves outlays. Expenditure transfers are recorded as obligations/outlays in the transferring account and an offsetting collection in the receiving account if the transaction relates to the purchase of goods or services, or otherwise benefits the transferring account. If the receiving account is a general fund appropriation account or revolving fund account, the offsetting collection is credited to the appropriation or fund account. If the receiving account is a special fund or trust account, the offsetting collection is usually credited to a receipt account of the fund.

Non-expenditure Transfers (NET) – The moving of budgetary resources from one budget account TAS to another that does not involve outlays. A transaction that does not represent payment for goods and services but serves only to adjust amounts available in accounts. NETs do not appear in Treasury publications or budget documents as receipts or expenditures, and therefore, do not affect the budget surplus or deficit. NETs are done at the TAS level through treasury; they are limited user group transactions and not a field operational activity.

Post-Review Process – A standardized review of the transaction to ensure there were no errors in the posting of the SV, that documentation is clear and sufficient to support the transaction, and that required approvals were obtained. This process is an integral part of VA’s internal controls and was designed to ensure the SV was accurately posted and had the desired accounting effect in the accounting system.

Reclassification – A transaction that was paid by an organization within VA that is being transferred in part or wholly to another VA organization or organizations, or an adjustment transaction that corrects an accounting element in a previously recorded transaction. Examples of this type of transaction include cost-sharing, moving salary, travel, award payments for work performed outside of an employee’s normal organization, redistributing a cost or discount between programs, or correcting an accounting element like budget object code of a previously recorded expenditure.

Standard Voucher (SV) – A transaction that is used to enter, adjust, or correct accounting and financial information using a standard transaction code built into the accounting system where the debits and credits are pre-defined (e.g., transaction codes SV and RJ in FMS). SVs are used in defined processes that align to business needs (e.g., to record accounting transactions that are not included in any of the other financial system modules, such as accruals, recurring accounting reclassifications, and interfaces).

SV Form – Form used in the SV package to identify the transaction code and details for the entry.

SV Package – Documentation required to sufficiently support the transaction code, purpose, and need of the SV, evidence of the approvals, and verification that the transaction processed correctly. This serves as an integral part of the audit trail as key documents routinely examined by auditors as part of their audit procedures.

VA’s Accounting System – The central accounting system for all of VA. The legacy system used by VA is the Financial Management System (FMS), and the modern system used by VA is the Integrated Financial and Acquisition Management System (iFAMS).

0104 Roles and Responsibilities

Administration and Staff Office CFOs are responsible for the review and approval of all SVs equal to or greater than $100 million.

Financial Services Center (FSC) is responsible for the review and authorization of SVs, equal to or greater than $100 million, in VA’s accounting system and for the review and posting of high-level budget transactions.

Office of Budget (OB) is responsible for review and authorization of high-level budget transactions.

SV Approving Official is a role held by a staff member within the local finance office. The SV Approving Official approves the SV for posting and ensures accuracy and completeness of supporting documentation.

SV Poster is a role held by a staff member who inputs approved SVs into VA’s accounting system.

SV Preparer is a role held by a staff member within a local finance office who identifies the need for an SV, collects the necessary supporting documentation, and prepares the SV for review and approval.

0105 Policies

010501 General Policies

  1. SVs will be used for recording accounting transactions not included in the financial system modules to accurately reflect financial transactions. For examples of the most common SVs, see Appendix B: Common Standard Vouchers in VA’s Accounting System.
  2. Reclassifications are a subset of SVs and make up a high volume of the SVs processed within the financial system. For more information, see Volume II, Chapter 1C – Reclassifications.
  3. System generated batches and interfaces of transactions from other systems automate the entry of transactions into the financial system modules. These transactions are not manually processed by individual users. If an entry is rejected and fails to process, the manual entry to post the transaction would follow the requirements for the interfaced or batch transaction (i.e., copy of contract to create an obligation) and do not require additional documentation or approvals.
  4. SVs will specifically identify any parties to the transaction. The use of miscellaneous vendor is not permitted except in the following limited circumstances:
    1. Where an individual vendor code cannot be processed (e.g., Medical Community Care reclassifications).
    2. Fund-to-fund transactions in VA’s legacy accounting system. Due to system limitations, vendor codes using “MISC” are the only options available for fund-to-fund transactions. These are approved special vendor codes.

010502 Documentation Requirements

  1. All SVs and supporting documentation packages must be clearly labeled with the Document ID number (e.g., specific naming convention or from an SV log for identification and tracking purposes). The Document ID number serves as the SV identification number.
  2. All SVs must contain a clear description of the purpose of the SV (e.g., the reason for the correction or adjustment) and an adequate detailed explanation supporting why the SV must be processed. An adequate explanation means that additional descriptions or discussions should not be required to understand the purpose of the SV and to verify the accuracy of the posted entry from an individual without knowledge of the cause for the SV.
  3. SVs must identify the SV Preparer and Approving Official by name and title. To satisfy segregation of duties requirements are met and decrease the risk of errors, SVs will be prepared and approved by separate individuals with sufficient knowledge to determine that the SV is necessary, appropriate, and that sufficient documentation exists to support the SV. iFAMS has system controls for segregation of duty requirements that prevent a user from approving their own SV.
  4. In FMS, documentation of approval must reflect the SV Preparer’s and Approving Officials’ signatures and dates on the SV Form. A system generated digital signature and date is acceptable. In iFAMS, users will upload the documentation package into the system. System controls automatically route for the required approvals prior to posting within the accounting system. This system functionality allows the documentation and approval to be maintained with the transaction.
  5. SV documentation must include documents supporting the amounts and transaction to be posted. This includes schedules (e.g., reconciliations or transaction details), that would enable anyone reviewing the SV to re-perform calculations or verify summarized amounts. The transaction code to be posted must be identified. It is not a requirement to identify the GL accounts.
  6. A request for an SV not supported by accurate or proper documentation will be denied by the SV Approving Official and returned with a request for additional information required to process the SV, along with any applicable authoritative guidance to support the need for the SV.
  7. The SV Form is used as a cover sheet containing the required information, transactional details, and signatures. If the SV Form does not meet an organization’s needs (e.g., need to detail numerous transactions on the form), then a cover sheet with the required information and signatures can be used. For example, the FMS Macro-7 Voucher Template is a macro-enabled cover sheet that can be used to streamline processing. See Appendix C: FMS Macro-7 Voucher Template.
  8. For supporting documentation examples, see Appendix D: Supporting Documentation Examples for Standard Vouchers.
  9. All documentation related to SVs will be retained in accordance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) General Records Schedule.
  10. Field stations will establish and maintain a local log for SVs for identification and tracking purposes. See Appendix E: Standard Voucher Log Data Fields.

010503 Approval Requirements

  1. FSC and OB will approve higher level budget funding transactions (e.g., AA, AC, AL, SA, SL, and TA in FMS) regardless of dollar amount.
  2. Review and approval of an SV must ensure that the SV is proper and accurate (e.g., agrees with underlying accounting records and provided documentation), and that documentation is on file for audit purposes.
  3. Approval requirements for SVs are based on dollar value.
    1. For SVs less than $100 million, local finance offices within the Administrations and Staff Offices are authorized to approve. Approval shall be obtained prior to the SV being recorded in VA’s accounting system.
    2. For SVs equal to or greater than $100 million but less than $1 billion:
      1. Administration or Staff Office CFO will approve. Administration and Staff Office CFOs may re-delegate this approval within their immediate office and no lower than the GS-15 level (i.e., this authority may not be re-delegated to an individual that does not report directly to the Administration and Staff Office CFO).
      2. After approval by the Administration and Staff Office CFO (or designee), the SV will be forwarded for review and approval to FSC either through email ( for FMS or routed through iFAMS configuration. SVs will be approved by the FSC Senior Advisor, iFAMS Service Director or Financial Accounting Service (FAS) Director the same day as submitted when possible. The approval may be re-delegated within FSC no lower than the GS-15 level.
      3. In iFAMS, system controls require all approvals prior to posting the SV. In FMS, to the extent possible, approvals shall be obtained prior to the SV being recorded in VA’s accounting system. However, if there is insufficient time to route the SV for approval due to reporting deadlines, the entry may be made, and approval obtained as soon as possible after the entry. All approvals must be obtained no later than 7 business days after the date of the entry.
    3. For SVs equal to or greater than $1 billion:
      1. Administration or Staff Office CFOs approval shall be obtained prior to the SV being recorded in VA’s accounting system. The Administration and Staff Office CFO may only re-delegate this approval within their office and cannot be delegated lower than the SES level.
      2. After approval by the Administration and Staff Office CFO (or designee), the SV will be forwarded for review and approval to FSC either through email ( for FMS or routed through iFAMS configuration. SVs will be approved by the FSC Executive Director (ED) or a delegated Senior Executive Service (SES) equivalent position.
      3. In iFAMS, system controls require all approvals prior to posting the SV. In FMS, to the extent possible, approvals shall be obtained prior to the SV being recorded in VA’s accounting system. However, if there is insufficient time to route the SV for approval due to reporting deadlines, the entry may be made, and approval obtained as soon as possible after the entry. All approvals must be obtained no later than 7 business days after the date of the entry.
  4. SVs may not be split into multiple entries to circumvent the additional high dollar approval requirements.
  5. A request for an SV not supported by accurate or proper documentation will be denied by the SV Approving Official and returned with a request for additional information required to process the SV, along with any applicable authoritative guidance to support the need for the SV.
  6. For SVs impacting other organizations (e.g., one station posts a reclassification to one or more other stations), the SV Approving Official for both offices will review and approve (or reject) the SV. When a centralized accounting service posts an entry for multiple stations or offices, the approval is only needed within the centralized accounting service (i.e., when VHA CFO Office posts an SV to multiple stations nationwide, the VHA CFO Office does not require signatures from each of the stations nationwide).

010504 Post-Review Requirements

  1. SV Posters must verify and document immediately after posting an SV that it had the desired effect in the accounting system.
  2. Documentation of a properly processed SV can take many forms depending on the type of SV processed, for example, a daily/monthly transaction report (e.g., 826, 827, 830, or 840) could be used to show the transfer of funds from one organization to another or screenshots of a table showing the updated obligations (e.g., OBLH/OBLL, TOHT/TOLT, or GLTS/ GLTB).
  3. Documentation of the post review process must be maintained for audit and management review purposes.
  4. Discrepancies found in the post-review process for SVs will be corrected promptly to ensure the accuracy of data contained in the accounting system and reflected in the financial statements.

0106 Authorities and References

0107 Rescissions


Appendix A: Previous Policy Revisions


Appendix B: Common Standard Vouchers in VA’s Accounting System

  1. Some of the most common SVs are:
    1. A direct disbursement transaction used to record expenditures for invoices from other Government agencies. Source documentation to identify the charge and obligation should be maintained either in soft or hard copy form. Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) System transactions processed as SVs transactions should be properly supported and referenced.
    2. An advance disbursement transaction used to record advances and advance offsets for invoices from other Government agencies. Source documentation to identify the charge and obligation must be maintained either in soft or hard copy form. IPAC transactions processed as SVs must be properly supported and referenced.
    3. A transfer of accounting activities (assets, liabilities, or expenditures) to record transfers between stations. The finance office processing the transaction affecting another station serviced by a different finance activity will forward a copy of the Standard Voucher Form and supporting documentation to the respective finance activity in soft or hard copy form.
    4. A transfer of accounting activities to record a transfer within a station. The finance activity processing this transaction will retain the supporting documentation of the transfer.
    5. A standard SV to record accounting activities such as deferred maintenance, salary accruals, continuation of pay, or capitalizing an asset.
  2. Examples of the SV transactions codes for both FMS and iFAMS can be found in Standard Voucher Transaction Examples – iFAMS and Standard Voucher Transaction Examples – FMS.

Appendix C: FMS Macro-7 Voucher Template

  1. Macro-7 is a tool created by FSC to assist employees in accomplishing all required steps of transaction processing and supporting documentation. This can be used in place of the SV Form to streamline processing with consistent results to successfully stand up to review. Whether Macro-7, the SV Form, or another cover sheet with the documentation package is used, the SV Preparer and Approver are responsible for confirming that all necessary documentation and approval requirements are met.
  2. Macro-7 can be used for the following transaction types:
    1. SVs: SV, PR, BL, PP, RJ, UE, PY, SE, CS, BT, DW, JB, SN, SV, UW, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VL, VM, VO, VP, VQ, VR, VT, VU, VV, VX, VY, and VZ
    2. Reclassifications, a subset of SVs: EB, ET, and EW
  3. The FMS Macro-7 Voucher Template and the FMS Macro-7 Voucher Template Detailed Expanded Instructions are available on the VHA CFO Office of Financial Oversight SharePoint site.

Appendix D: Supporting Documentation Examples for Standard Vouchers

This is a reference guide containing common examples of supporting documentation required to justify SVs. Supporting documentation should validate the reason why the SV was created/authorized. This may include, but is not limited to, emails or screenshots of all applicable financial system screens (before and after). Data can be obtained from multiple different sources such as Financial Reports System (FRS), VHA Support Service Center (SSC), and Power BI F827 Dashboard.

Type/CategorySource Documentation ExamplesTransaction Type / Transaction Code
Manual Salary Accrual– Macro used to calculate accrual.
– Pay cost reports.
RJ 51
Expendable DonationsMonthly memo from Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) Service with sub totals of donated values and all supporting documents to support those values.SV G8
Allowance for Bad DebtEmail from FSC.SV 23/24/27/P3

Appendix E: Standard Voucher Log Data Fields

  1. Field stations maintain local logs of SVs entered into VA’s accounting systems. The logs will contain sufficient details to properly identify and assist in tracking SVs.
  2. There may be some variation between the local logs, however, the following standard information are examples of the types of data to include:
    • Transaction Code – The kind of transaction (e.g., SV, PR, ET, or EB);
    • Transaction Type – The type of transaction (e.g.,. 01, 56, etc.);
    • Document ID – A unique document ID created by the SV Preparer using the numbering scheme of the applicable station (e.g., the first three digits of the FMS Document ID number reflecting the Station Number of the station preparing the transaction). Any changes to the FMS Document ID are fully documented (e.g., recorded in a “Notes” column of the Log);
    • Batch ID (If Applicable) – If this transaction requires a batch to be processed, information to help identify who requested it, what the transaction accomplishes and when it was requested;
    • Prepared By – The name of the individual that prepared or requested the transaction;
    • Approved By – The name of the individual that approved the transaction;
    • Reviewed and Input By (if different than SV Preparer) – The name of the individual that completed the final review and input the transaction into the accounting system;
    • Date – The date that the transaction was entered into VA’s accounting system;
    • Amount – The monetary value of the transaction;
    • Short Description – A short description of the transaction category/type based on the current listing of general descriptions. This description is entered into the “Line Description” field in the accounting system, which has a character limit; and
    • Detailed Explanation – A more-detailed explanation of the purpose of the transaction that expands upon the Short Description.

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