Volume XVI - Charge Card Programs
Chapter 07 – Fleet Charge Card
Questions concerning this policy chapter should be directed to:
- Veterans Health Administration
- Veterans Benefits Administration
- National Cemetery Administration
- Financial Services Center
0701 Overview
This chapter establishes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) financial policies for the use of the VA fleet card.
Key points covered in this chapter:
- VA fleet cards will be used to purchase fuel, supplies, repairs, or maintenance services on VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles and motorized equipment; VA employees and volunteers must complete training requirements for obtaining and maintaining operational use of a fleet card;
- Facility Fleet Managers (FFMs) will ensure fleet cards are used and managed properly;
- VA will establish internal controls for the use of “pool” cards; and
- VA has mandated the VA fleet card account naming convention.
0702 Revisions
Section | Revision | Office | Reason for Change | Effective Date |
Various | Updated policy formatting, removed hyperlinks, and clarified throughout. | OFP | Full review. | December 2024 |
Appendix D | Removed appendix. | OFP | Moved list of required trainings into policy. | December 2024 |
030506 | Combined with section 030505. | OFP | Combined similar sections on use of fleet charge card. | December 2024 |
Appendix A | Created new appendix. | OFP | Revisions history. | December 2024 |
For a complete listing of previous policy revisions, see Appendix A.
0703 Definitions
Abuse – Using a VA fleet card to purchase authorized and unauthorized items (e.g., price, quantity, personal use) that are excessive and/or questionable for Government and non-Government use.
Charge Card Portal (CCP) – VA’s internet-based system, which provides a variety of features intended to assist in the effective management of the Fleet Card Program, including training logs and electronic storage of supporting documents related to fleet card transactions.
Electronic Access System (EAS) – The charge card servicing bank’s internet-based system, which provides a variety of reports and assists in the effective management of the fleet card.
Fleet Card – A Government charge card used to purchase fuel and authorized repairs, maintenance, parts, or services for Government-owned or commercially leased vehicles, in support of official Government business.
Fleet Card User (Card User) – A VA employee or volunteer using the fleet card to purchase fuel and authorized repairs, parts, or services for VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles, in support of official Government business.
Fraud – Any felonious act of corruption, attempt to cheat the Government, and/or corrupt the Government’s agents. For the purposes of this guidance, use of VA fleet cards to transact business that is not sanctioned, not authorized, not in one’s official Government capacity, not for the purpose for which the card was issued, or not as a part of official Government business, are instances of fraud.
Internal Controls – Systematic measures which include periodic and continuous monitoring, checks and balances, policies, procedures, and segregation of duties implemented to reduce the risk of error, fraud, waste, and abuse.
Micro-Purchase – An acquisition of supplies or services using simplified acquisition procedures, the aggregate amount of which does not exceed the micro-purchase threshold.
Pool Cards – A fleet card assigned to the VA facility and not a specific piece of equipment. This card is used to support pieces of equipment too small to justify having their own fleet card. Examples include, but are not limited to, snowblowers, lawnmowers, weed whackers, golf carts, and other small equipment often filled up using small gas cans.
Single Purchase – The total value of the item(s) purchased at one time from a single vendor.
Split Purchase –A split purchase occurs when a cardholder intentionally modifies a known single requirement into two or more purchases or payments to avoid exceeding their delegated purchase thresholds.
Transponder Cards – A fleet card assigned to a VA facility and not assigned to a specific vehicle. This card is used to pay for all automated transponder toll fees, such as EZ pass.
Vehicle Operator – Any employee or volunteer who is required to operate a motor vehicle in order to properly carry out assigned duties.
Waste – Any activity taken with respect to a VA fleet card that fosters and/or results in unnecessary costs or other program inefficiencies.
0704 Roles and Responsibilities
The Assistant Secretary for Management/Chief Financial Officer (ASM/CFO) is responsible for the implementation, oversight, and management of the VA Fleet Card Program within the department.
Financial Services Center (FSC) Charge Card Services Division is responsible for Government-wide oversight of all financial operations and program administration duties for the Government Charge Card Program and systems.
Employees are responsible for reporting actual or possible violations of criminal law when they have knowledge or information or suspect criminal activity (e.g., fraud).
The Approving Official (AO) is responsible for recommending card limits (single purchase, monthly, quantity of transactions, etc.). The AO monitors the use of the VA fleet cards and ensures purchases by the vehicle operators are appropriate and within guidelines.
The Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC) oversees the card program(s) for his or her agency/organization; establishes fleet card accounts in the servicing bank’s EAS; serves as a liaison between the facility and the servicing bank; provides on-going advice; reviews fleet card account activity; maintains necessary account information; monitors and tracks card program participants that violate policy; and ensures that the offices take appropriate action to address any instances of policy violations.
Level 1 A/OPC FSC Charge Card Services Division serves as the Level 1 A/OPC.
Level 2 A/OPC provides oversight of the Fleet Card Program at the administration level for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), National Cemetery Administration (NCA), and VA Central Office (VACO). This position provides technical advice and guidance to the lower-level A/OPCs and reports any policy violations or planned corrective actions to the Level 1 A/OPC within five business days of notification or identification.
Level 3 A/OPC when available, this person serves at the intermediate level between the Level 2 and Level 4 A/OPCs within his/her administration and would be responsible for investigating potential violations and fraud indicators and reporting findings and resulting or planned corrective actions to the Level 2 A/OPC within five business days of notification or identification. This position is at the VISN level within VHA.
Level 4 A/OPC are responsible for the following:
- Entering the fleet card account application in the servicing bank’s EAS;
- Monitoring and tracking policy violations and unauthorized commitments;
- Ensuring that supervisors take appropriate actions to address violations;
- Investigating potential violations and fraud indicators and reporting violations and resulting or planned corrective actions to the next level A/OPC within five business days after the policy violation is identified;
- Providing oversight of the VA Fleet Card Program at the station-level;
- Ensuring mandatory fleet card training is completed and up to date;
- Providing technical guidance for all fleet card users under his/her hierarchy;
- Analyzing the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of the VA Fleet Card Program; and
- Managing and responding to external oversight organizations.
Facility Fleet Manager (FFM) is responsible for implementing the VA Fleet Card Program at the local level to ensure compliance with VA Financial Policy and 48 C.F.R. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
The Vehicle Operator (VA employee or volunteer) is responsible for making authorized fleet card purchases in compliance with VA policy and Federal regulations, maintaining vehicle trip logs, safeguarding the VA fleet card when in possession, entering the accurate odometer reading when prompted during fuel purchases, and providing purchase documentation to the FFM.
The Billing Officer is responsible for ensuring purchase limits are within established thresholds, establishing default accounting code strings for fleet cards, and collecting amounts from vehicle operators for inappropriate purchases.
0705 Policies
070501 General Policies
- VA fleet cards will be used to purchase fuel, repairs, or maintenance services on VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles and motorized equipment unless the vendor does not accept the fleet card as a method of payment, or the transaction amount exceeds the fleet card’s purchasing limits.
- Vehicles leased through GSA will have their own fleet card, and users must abide by the rules set by GSA for those specific cards.
FFMs, fleet card users, AOs, and A/OPCs must comply with the requirements in OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B and Public Law 112-194. - FFMs, AOs, and A/OPCs must fulfill the mandatory requirements prior to ordering a fleet card. This includes:
- Trainings in the Talent Management System (TMS); and
- Completion of approved VA Form 0242a, Government-wide Fleet Card Certification Form.
- VA will comply with the record retention requirements specified in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 410, General Schedule 6, and FAR Subpart 4.805. Fleet card documents and receipts are required to be maintained for 6 years.
- FFMs will upload supporting documentation for each VA fleet card transaction to the appropriate document imaging system (e.g., iFAMS users will upload documentation into iFAMS).
- Administrations and Staff Offices will establish the micro-purchase limit for individual fleet card. The limit will be the minimum needed to meet the expected use and must not exceed the micro-purchase threshold set by law.
- VA fleet card transactions are exempt from state and local taxes for purchases made within the United States.
- All VA fleet cards will follow the VA fleet card account naming convention. See Appendix D.
- Policy for the management, operation, and maintenance of VA’s Vehicle Fleet in compliance with Executive Orders and other Federal mandates can be found in VA Directive 0637, VA Vehicle Fleet Management Program. This includes:
- Designation of primary and alternate Fleet Manager responsibilities and duties;
- Fleet Manager review and approval for acquiring vehicles;
- Utilization standards for vehicles;
- Disposal of VA-owned vehicles;
- Vehicle Registration and license plates;
- Vehicle abuse, accidents and incidents;
- Fleet cards;
- Low Greenhouse Gas (GHG) vehicles;
- Alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuel use;
- Government contractor use of Government-operated vehicle (GOV);
- Vehicle fleet management information systems; and
- Program management.
070502 Mandatory Training
- Before being allowed to operate a VA-owned or commercially leased vehicle, VA employees and volunteers must complete VA fleet card training as directed by the FSC and any additional training requirements assigned by their local facility.
- VA employees will complete VA Fleet Card Training in TMS prior to using the fleet card the following courses are required at a minimum :
- VA Fleet Card Training (TMS course # 5872).
- Unauthorized Commitments Training (TMS course # 1701572).
- Volunteers and non-VA employees without TMS access may review a printed copy of the VA fleet card training materials and certify to the FFM that the class has been successfully completed. The FFM will retain a copy of the certification for audit purposes and track the training status of all employee and volunteer fleet card users in CCP.
- Fleet card users, A/OPCs, AOs, and FFMs must take refresher training every two years. Failure to complete the required refresher training may result in:
- The revocation of duties as the A/OPC, AO, or FFM;
- Possible administrative or disciplinary actions; and/or
- Dismissal from volunteer assignments.
- The certificates of completion must be on file prior to operating a VA-owned or commercially leased vehicle.
070503 Delegations of Authority
- FFM must complete and approve VA Form 0242a Government-wide Fleet Card Certification before a fleet card can be issued and assigned to a vehicle.
- The VA fleet card limit must be approved by a GS-15 or higher who has the procurement authority to approve Government fleet card limits.
- Requests for new fleet card accounts must be electronically submitted by the Level 4 A/OPC through the servicing bank’s EAS. Once submitted, the account will be electronically routed for final approval to the Level 1 A/OPC at the FSC.
- The Level 1 A/OPC will review and verify that VA Form 0242a is complete and that TMS training completion certificates for the corresponding A/OPC, AO, and FFM have been submitted, prior to electronic submittal of the fleet card application in the servicing bank’s EAS.
- A new VA Form 0242a is required to be completed and submitted to the Level 1 A/OPC if any of the following changes occur to the account:
- Change in FFM;
- Change in AO or Alternate AO (if applicable); or
- Increasing the single purchase limit above the originally approved purchasing threshold.
070504 Vehicle Operator Statement of Understanding
- VA employees and volunteers who are authorized to operate a VA owned or commercially leased vehicle are required to acknowledge and sign the Vehicle Operator Statement of Understanding form in Appendix C.
- A signed Statement of Understanding, provided in Appendix B, must be on file prior to operating a VA-owned or commercially leased vehicle.
070505 Authorized Use
- VA will use the VA fleet card for VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles and motorized equipment only.
- Users of a fleet card are responsible for not exceeding the micro-purchase threshold limit established for that card. Users will also ensure any limit set by statute, such as the Service Contract Labor Standards, is followed. For more information on micro-purchase thresholds see Volume XVI, Chapter 2 – Government Purchase Card for Micro-Purchases.
- VA fleet cards will be used for purchases of fuel, maintenance, and the repair of VA-owned or commercially leased motor vehicles when on-site repair by VA staff is not available.
- VA fleet cards shall be assigned to VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles, and specific motorized equipment, not to individuals. The fleet card account shall be named the same as the corresponding fleet vehicle license plate or the motorized equipment’s unique identification number (e.g., serial number) and must be used solely to purchase goods or services for the VA-owned, commercially leased vehicle, or specific motorized equipment to which it is assigned.
070506 Unauthorized Use
- Under no circumstances is the VA fleet card to be used for personal purchases or GSA-leased vehicles.
- The VA fleet card may not be used to pay for tolls. Tolls must be paid using the Travel Card, Government Purchase Card, or the employee may seek reimbursement depending on the circumstances. See Volume XIV, Chapter 7 – Local Travel, for further guidance.
- Operators of VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles and motorized equipment will not use a VA fleet card, or allow its use, for other than purposes authorized under this policy.
- Any violation of VA approval requirements, spending limitations, internal controls, or prohibitions will be considered misuse of the card.
- The VA fleet card may not be used to pay for any moving violation or traffic infraction. All moving violations and traffic infractions, which include, but are not limited to moving violations, speeding tickets, parking tickets, fines, etc., are the responsibility of the vehicle operator.
070507 Fleet Card Reconciliation
- Reconciliations will verify the accuracy, reasonableness, appropriateness, and propriety of charges. All transactions must be timely reconciled by the FFM and approved by the AO in the servicing bank’s EAS or another VA-approved automated system.
- FFMs will verify that reconciliations are completed timely and that each transaction is correct by verifying that payment amounts and vendor information obtained from the servicing bank agree with records and receipts provided by vehicle operators.
- FFMs will report any improper, incorrect, fraudulent, or duplicate payments to their AO and A/OPC promptly to ensure that the VA ultimately pays only for valid charges.
- Unless more stringent guidelines are specified, FFMs and AOs will complete the reconciliation process no later than the 15th calendar day of the month following the billing cycle close date in the servicing bank’s EAS or another VA-approved automated system.
- The AO is responsible for reviewing and approving the FFM’s reconciliation and ensuring that purchases were made for valid business needs.
- The AO, or another official designated by the Facility Director, will verify that the number of fleet cards at their facility complies with this policy each month. See 030510 Internal Controls.
- FFMs are responsible for reporting billing discrepancies and disputing transactions in the servicing bank’s EAS within 60 calendar days from the date of the transaction.
- FFMs will enter any purchase transactions into the GSA Fleet Management System (FedFMS) when the individual line item (level 3) information is not captured from the merchant.
070508 Split Purchases
- Split purchases are prohibited under FAR Part 13.003(c)(2).
- A single purchase may not exceed the authorized single purchase threshold. Card users will not split purchases that, in total, exceed their single purchase threshold.
- If the requirement is for an on-going repetitive order of goods or services and the total value of the requirement exceeds the micro-purchase threshold, the requirement for the goods or services should be communicated to the agency servicing contracting office for procurement. Card users must not modify a requirement into smaller parts to avoid formal contracting procedures.
- Any card user or AO who makes or certifies a purchase exceeding his/her delegated or appointed level of authority has created an unauthorized commitment. Employees may be held personally liable for exceeding their delegated authority in accordance with FAR Subpart 1.602-3.
- Card users and AOs who split purchases or commit an unauthorized purchase may be subject to disciplinary action and/or personal financial liability. See VA Handbook 5021, Part II, Chapter 1 on Employee Management Relations.
070509 Fleet “Pool” Cards
- Fleet “pool” cards may be used:
- To procure maintenance and repair services for multiple non-license-plated pieces of small engine equipment, such as golf carts, snowmobiles, leaf blowers, all-terrain vehicles, chainsaws, trailers, and lawnmowers housed at the same location.
- In situations where agencies have their own fueling stations to fuel the fleet vehicles, but require a mechanism to procure maintenance, repair services, and bulk fuel for the fueling stations.
- To purchase propane used to fuel forklifts or similar small engine equipment.
- To purchase fuel for short term commercially-rented vehicles. Long term rented vehicles should have their own fleet card assigned. This does not include vehicles rented under any GSA programs, which will have their own GSA fuel cards provided.
- Fleet “pool” cards may not be used:
- To service any license-plated fleet vehicle that has a standard fleet card otherwise assigned to it.
- To purchase general fleet/garage supplies, such as hand cleaners, degreasers, paper towels, air fresheners, etc. Such items must be procured using another payment mechanism, such as a purchase card.
- For any purchase over the micro-purchase threshold, or to make multiple (split) purchases to circumvent the micro-purchase threshold. Another payment method must be used to process transactions above the micro-purchase threshold.
- For personal purchases or GSA-leased vehicles.
- Each facility may have a unique pool card that is used to pay for transponder fees. All transponder toll fee amounts at that facility will be paid using the transponder card assigned to the VA facility.
- A usage log must be created and maintained for each fleet “pool” card. FFMs must review “pool” card usage logs each month and verify that signed receipts were collected for each transaction.
- FFMs are responsible for ensuring the usage log is properly filled out for each transaction. Paper receipts are required for all “pool” card transactions. An employee, other than the fleet “pool” card user, must verify the purchase by legibly printing their full name, dating and signing the receipt. At a minimum, the “pool” card usage log should capture the following information to be considered a reasonable audit trail:
- Date of use;
- Make and model of equipment;
- Serial or equipment number, if applicable;
- Fleet “pool” card users must write their first and last name, printed legibly;
- Before and after use odometer or hour meter reading when used for fueling or servicing a piece of equipment with an odometer or hour meter;
- Indicate whether the equipment was refueled (yes or no); and
- Indicate whether maintenance or repairs were performed (yes or no).
070510 Removing a Vehicle from Service
- When a vehicle is taken out of service, the FFM will notify the A/OPC to cancel the card related to that vehicle within 3 business days.
- The FFM shall surrender the card(s) to the A/OPC for proper closure in the servicing bank’s EAS and destruction.
070511 Internal Controls
- Administrations and Staff Offices are responsible for ensuring compliance with the VA Fleet Card Program and implementing internal controls over VA fleet card activities.
- VA requires that the duties of the card user, AO, requesting official, and receiving official be segregated. No one person may order, receive, certify funds, and approve his/her own fleet card purchase.
- Approving officials or certifying officials do not have the authority to approve or certify their own fleet card activities, that of an immediate family member, other close relatives, or another individual whose relationship may create the appearance of a conflict of interest in accordance with 5 C.F.R. § 2635.501.
- Auditing of VA fleet card activities must be assigned to individuals independent of the fleet card process.
- Employee conduct must meet the highest ethical standards. Each card user and AO must protect and conserve Government property and will use VA fleet cards only for authorized purposes. Employees may seek ethics advice from their regional counsel or an ethics official at the Office of General Counsel.
- The AO, or another official designated by the Facility Director, must verify that each fleet card, except for one “pool” card, is assigned to a vehicle that is in use at their facility each month as part of the reconciliation process. Facilities are allowed one fleet card per vehicle, in addition to one “pool” card per facility location. Vehicles leased through GSA are not included and are separate from the VA issued fleet cards.
- Program participants must comply with requests for information regarding purchases, audits, unauthorized commitments, or questionable transactions. Failure to reply to requests within the timeframe specified may result in the single purchase threshold being lowered to $1.
- AOs must review spending thresholds and the need for cards annually in accordance with PL 112-194 and PL 115-91.
- VA fleet cards must be safeguarded. When not in use, VA fleet cards must be stored in a secure location, such as a locked drawer, to protect against theft, loss, and forgery.
- All VA fleet cards will follow the VA fleet card account naming convention established by the FSC, Charge Card Services Division (CCSD) in Appendix D. The fleet card account naming convention is intended to help all fleet card program users easily locate and identify individual fleet card accounts in the serving bank’s EAS, CCP, and other internal reporting mechanisms.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls, AO’s and FSC will conduct reviews to:
- Ensure that purchases are supported with documentation, such as proof of receipt of ordered goods or services;
- Evaluate purchase transactions by program participant with prior policy transgressions to assure remediation actions are effective;
- Identify and examine potential split purchases;
- Analyze spending patterns to identify and report potential fraud, waste, and abuse;
- Identify and report unauthorized commitments; and
- Determine whether facilities are optimizing purchasing power and cost savings by utilizing strategic sourcing techniques.
070512 Standards of Conduct
- In accordance with 5 C.F.R. § 2635.202, VA employees not solicit or accept any gratuity, gift, favor, entertainment, loan, or anything of monetary value from any party doing business with or seeking to obtain business with the VA.
- Employees may seek ethics advice from their regional counsel or an ethics official at the Office of General Counsel.
- Cardholders will not obtain, retain, or personally benefit from any merchant rewards, points, memberships, benefits, free items included with a purchase, gifts as a result of multiple purchases, or other promotional items in connection with the use of the fleet card.
- Failure to adhere to the standard of conduct may result in disciplinary actions.
070513 Violations of Policy
- Any VA employee or non-employee (volunteer) who violates this policy, whether knowingly or negligently, may be prohibited from serving as a Fleet Charge Card Program participant and will be considered for disciplinary action dependent on the egregiousness of the violation.
- Intentional or negligent misuse of a VA fleet card may result in the issuance of a bill for collection of funds that cannot be recouped, debt collection fees for additional manpower hours necessary to recover the improperly spent funds, disciplinary action, and criminal and/or civil actions. AOs and others who conspire with card users to misuse the card, commit fraud, and/or use their position of authority to cause misuse of the VA fleet card will also be subject to disciplinary and criminal and/or civil actions. At the discretion of the Executive Director, FSC cases may be referred to the VA Office of the Inspector General, or federal prosecutors for criminal charges. Any VA employee referred to the VA Office of Inspector General shall be prohibited from being a Government Charge Card Program participant.
- Violations and subsequent actions must be reported to FSC at VAFSCChrgCardReview@va.gov, or directly to the OIG via the VA OIG Hotline website. Supervisors may consider a range of consequences when misuse, fraud, repeated abuse, or direct violations of regulations or policy occur. Disciplinary actions, if taken, will be based upon the circumstances surrounding each instance and will be designed to ensure that the violations are not repeated. Refer to VA Handbook 5021 on Employee Management Relations for guidance on disciplinary personnel actions.
- All VA Employees with knowledge or information about actual or possible violations of criminal law have a requirement to report the instance and should refer to 38 C.F.R. § 1.201. Employees may choose to either report a case to their Supervisor, FSC, or directly to the OIG via the VA OIG Hotline website, or to any other formal investigative agency. Employees may send report violations to the FSC via email to VAFSCChrgCardReview@va.gov.
0706 Authorities and References
- Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)
- FAR Subpart 1.602-3 – Ratification of unauthorized commitments
- General Services Administration (GSA) SmartPay 3 Master Contract
- OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B, Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs
- PL 112-194, Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012
- PL 115-91, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
- Servicing Bank’s EAS
- VA Financial Policy Publications
- VA Financial Policy Volume XIV, Chapter 7 – Local Travel
- VA Financial Policy Volume XVI, Chapter 2 – Government Purchase Card for Micro-Purchases
- VA Directive 0637, VA Vehicle Fleet Management Program
- VA Handbook 5021, Employee Management Relations
- VA Form 0242a, Government-wide Fleet Card Certification Form
- VA OIG Hotline website
0707 Rescissions
Volume XVI, Chapter 3 – Fleet Charge Card, March 2024.
Appendix A: Previous Policy Revisions
Section | Revision | Office | Reason for Change | Effective Date |
030512 | Added language regarding free items or gifts with purchase. | OFP (047G) | Leadership directed | March 2024 |
030506 | Clarified language due to confusion in the field. | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | July 2022 |
Appendix C | Added language for Transponder Cards | OFP (047G) | FSC request | July 2022 |
0303 | Added Transponder card definition | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | May 2022 |
030506 | Added transponder card language | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | May 2022 |
030509 | Created a new transponder card section | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | May 2022 |
Appendix F | Moved older revisions to a dedicated appendix | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | May 2022 |
Overall | Updated policy formatting and links. | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | December 2020 |
0304 Roles and Responsibilities | Added Employee violation reporting responsibilities. Updated Level 2, 3, and 4 A/OPC violation responsibilities. | OFP (047G) | Updated Internal Controls. | December 2020 |
030510 Internal Controls | Clarified one pool card per facility location. | OFP (047G) | General Update. | December 2020 |
0306 Authorities and References | Added authorities in policy not previously listed in this section and re-ordered numeric then alpha. | OFP (047G) | Leadership Organizational Change. | December 2020 |
0307 Rescissions | Rescinded March 2020 published chapter. | OFP (047G) | Targeted Change. | December 2020 |
0308 Questions | Updated contact information. | OFP (047G) | General Update. | December 2020 |
Appendix E | Added table and notes on policy violations and administrative actions. | OFP (047G) | Updated Internal Controls. | December 2020 |
Various | Inserted reference to Directive 0637, VA Vehicle Fleet Management Program | OFP (047G) | Direct all levels of fleet facility managers to appropriate VA policy. | March 2020 |
030501 | Added support for uploading documents to various systems within VA. | OFP (047G) | Clarify document repository directions for various systems. | March 2020 |
030502 | Added TMS course names to a new Appendix D and corrected the duration between required training. | FSC | Changed to match current practice. | February 2020 |
030502 | Changed training to bi-annually. | FSC | Changed to match current practice. | April 2019 |
030510 | Updated Internal Controls language to match new language in XVI, Ch 1B | OFP (047G) | To match new language in XVI Ch 1B | February 2019 |
030512 | Inserted reference to OGC for ethics advice to match new language in XVI, Ch 1B. | OFP (047G) | To match new language in XVI Ch 1B | February 2019 |
Various | Reformatted to new policy format and completed 5-year review. | OFP (047G) | Reorganized chapter layout | November 2018 |
0304 | Roles and Responsibilities | OFP (047G) | Strengthened internal controls and updated language on accountability. | November 2018 |
030508 | Added language regarding internal controls for “pool cards”. | OFP (047G) | “Pool” cards are being used without any established controls. | November 2018 |
Appendix C | Added naming convention language | OFP (047G) | FSC requested standard account naming rules. | November 2018 |
Appendix B: Governmentwide Fleet Card Certification Form
- The FFM, AO, Alternate AO (if applicable), A/OPC, and Delegation of Authority must sign and date VA Form 0242a. Once all have signed, the form must be submitted to FSC Fleet Card Operations for Level 1 A/OPC signature and approval. The Level 1 A/OPC will return the completed form to the submitter for their records. The completed form will be retained and readily available at the FFM’s office for as long as the corresponding fleet card account is open.
- Copies of all re-delegations will be provided to the FSC Charge Card Services Division for recordkeeping. A copy of any re-delegation must be on file and retained for 6 years, indicating the proper delegating authority signatory.
VA Form 0242a Government Fleet Card Certification Form
Appendix C: Vehicle Operator Statement of Understanding
The VA Fleet Card Program is designed to improve purchases by streamlining the management of fuel and services that are purchased for VA-owned and commercially leased vehicles. I understand that I am authorized to use the fleet card only for those purchases necessary and reasonable for the vehicle it has been assigned to. I will abide by the instructions issued to me by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Facility Fleet Manager (FFM) or his/her designee. I will receive prior authorization from the Facility Fleet Management on repairs that exceed $50.00. If the mileage is not shown on the fuel receipt, I will handwrite the mileage on the fuel receipt. I will turn in all receipts, repair orders, and vehicle logs (VA-10-1281) during the first week of every month.
1.______ I will adhere to all rules and regulations with respect to the VA Fleet Card Program.
2.______ I will use the VA fleet card only for VA-owned or commercially leased vehicles (GSA leased vehicles carry their own cards.).
3.______ I will secure the keys and fleet card when not in use, in a locked storage area.
4.______ I will ensure that the fuel receipts have the following: date of purchase, current mileage, number of gallons, cost per gallon, type of fuel, total cost, license plate number, and that all items are legible.
5.______ I will report lost/stolen keys and/or VA fleet cards to the FFM immediately.
6.______ I will complete all training as required and submit documentation to FFM as required.
7.______ I acknowledge that I may be personally liable to the Government for the amount of an unauthorized transaction and may be subject to criminal prosecution for intentional misuse of the fleet card or the vehicle.
I also understand failure on my part to abide by these rules or other misuse of the fleet card may result in disciplinary and/or administrative action being taken against me. I also acknowledge that the A/OPC may revoke or suspend my VA fleet card privileges if I fail to abide by the terms of this agreement.
Note. If this agreement and TMS certificates are not on file, the driver may not operate a VA fleet vehicle.
Vehicle Operator Signature | Date |
Vehicle Operator Printed Name | Vehicle Operator Title and Service Area |
Reference: Volume XVI, Chapter 3 – Government Fleet Card |
Appendix D: Fleet Card Account Naming Convention
Mandatory Naming Convention
- First 2 characters: “VA”.
- Remaining characters:
- For fleet vehicles, insert the full fleet vehicle license plate number.
- For fleet “pool” cards, insert “POOL,” followed by the 3-digit station number.
- DO NOT include any spaces, extra letters/numbers, or special characters between “VA” and the fleet vehicle license plate number or “POOL”:
- Example fleet vehicle card account name: VA123456 (VA + license plate number).
- Example fleet “pool” card account name: VAPOOL104 (VA + POOL + 3-digit station number + station suffix if applicable).
- Example INVALID fleet card account names: VA-123456, POOL-104/VA, VACHEVY104, MOBILE CLINIC, 2010 FORD EXPLORER, T-VA456789.
- Third Line Embossing – this field is printed beneath the account name on the plastic fleet card:
- For fleet vehicle card accounts, the 3rd line embossing field can be completed using a description of the fleet vehicle that the card is assigned to (i.e., 2010 Ford Explorer, Mobile Clinic, Chevy Passenger Van, etc.).
- For fleet “pool” card accounts, the 3rd line embossing field can be completed using a description of the small engine equipment that will be using the fleet “pool” card (i.e., golf cart, lawnmower, generator, fuel tank, ground equipment, etc.).
Appendix E: A/OPC Level 1 Administrative Actions
The chart below contains examples of charge card offenses and their corresponding remedial actions. Level 2 AOPC’s will report all instances of misuse to the FSC. This list of offenses is not all-inclusive.
A/OPC Level 1 Administrative Actions | |
Government Charge Card Program Misuse | Administrative Actions |
Splitting purchases or ratification needed (per procurement) | 1st offense: Complete refresher training, reduce account spending limit, and/or removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. 2nd offense: Issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. |
Exceeding applicable charge card limits or thresholds | 1st offense: Complete refresher training, reduce account spending limit, and/or removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. 2nd offense: Issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. |
Purchasing unauthorized items | 1st offense: Complete refresher training, issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and/or removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. 2nd offense: Issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. |
Using a government charge card without being an authorized cardholder | 1st offense: Issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. |
Violating ethics standards | 1st offense: Revoke purchasing authority, issue bill of collection, including debt collection fees, and removed as a Government Charge Card Program participant. |
Notes: | |
Card users and AOs must be aware that one violation may be reason enough to be removed from functioning as a Government Charge Card Program participant and additional action may be considered dependent on the egregiousness of the violation. | |
At the discretion of the Executive Director, FSC cases may be referred to the VA Office of the Inspector General (VA OIG), or Federal prosecutors for criminal charges. | |
Any VA employee referred to the VA OIG shall be prohibited from future use of a charge card or serving as an AO pending OIG opinion and recommendation. All current charge cards will be immediately cancelled related to the VA employee involved in a case referred to the VA OIG. |