Women Veterans
Women are the fastest growing group in the Veteran population.
In 2021, there were 350 suicide deaths among women Veterans. The 2021 age-adjusted suicide rate for this population was 166.1% higher than that for non-Veteran U.S. adult women.
Women Veterans experience unique challenges related to their military service, including readjustment challenges, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), military sexual trauma (MST), trouble sleeping and even physical injury. These unique experiences can increase the risk of suicide and require targeted solutions.
What Action Has VA Taken?
Supporting MST Survivors
Women Veterans have an increased likelihood of experiencing military sexual trauma (MST) while serving in the military; MST has been connected to increased suicide risk. To deliver better support and care to Veterans who have experienced MST, there are three new laws that support Veterans who have experienced MST.
The VA Peer Support Enhancement for MST Survivors Act improves support for Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma by connecting them with peers who can understand and help.
The MST Claims Coordination Act makes it easier for Veterans to file and process claims related to Military Sexual Trauma, helping Veterans receive the support needed more efficiently.
The Dignity for MST Survivors Act ensures Veterans are informed about available MST treatment services and improves VA's ability to serve survivors through new training.
Addressing Firearm Suicide Among Veteran Women
The Firearm suicide rate among Veteran women was 281.1% higher than that among non-Veteran women in 2021. Further, there was a 14.7% increase in Veteran women suicide by firearm compared to 2020. VA has created women Veteran focused communication products reinforcing the need to create time and space between a person with thoughts of suicide and a firearm.
Keep It Secure CampaignTailored Suicide Prevention for Women Veterans
VA is exploring causes of suicide risks among Women Veterans navigating reproductive health care issues and looking for ways to create more tailored suicide prevention resources for them.
Don't Wait. Reach Out.Resources
Women's Health Transition Training
A course for women service members that provides specific health information to aid the transition to civilian life.
Learn MoreWorking With Women Veterans
The VA Office of Women's Health produces a host of outreach materials offering background on women's health.
Learn MoreMake the Connection
Women transitioning from Military - For You and Inspiring True Stories