We improve organizational accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by:

  • Tracking and confirming recommendations made by our office.
  • Tracking and confirming recommendations made by internal and external investigative entities so that deficiencies do not reoccur within VA.
  • Identifying trends so that VA can proactively address areas of concern.

Track and confirm VA compliance with our recommendations

When an Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection investigation results in a recommendation, we track and confirm VA’s compliance with the recommendation. If the recommendation is for disciplinary action and VA does not take the recommended discipline, VA must notify Congress within 60 days of the date of the recommendation.

  1. Our recommendations are transmitted to the appropriate VA management official
  2. Management official has 60 days to decide whether to take our recommendation
  3. If our recommendation is taken, we track the outcome of the action
  4. If our recommended disciplinary action is not taken, VA reports to Congress

Track and confirm VA compliance with oversight entity recommendations

We record, track, and confirm recommendations from audits and investigations carried out by VA’s Office of the Medical Inspector, VA’s Office of Inspector General, the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and the Office of Special Counsel.  We conduct compliance audits to confirm the implementation of select priority recommendations after their closure to ensure VA Administrations and Staff Offices continue to adhere to the recommendations.

We analyze data and information from audits and investigations to identify trends so that VA can proactively address areas of concern.  Our trends analysis will allow VA to make informed decisions and improve operations.  A data driven approach to informing decisions and policy reduces organizational risk and helps to promote a more accountable VA.