Whistleblower Navigator FAQs

Whistleblower Navigator Frequently Asked Questions

Q:   How can I make a whistleblower disclosure, report whistleblower retaliation, or report VA senior leader misconduct or poor performance to OAWP?

A:  Please complete our  Complaint and Disclosure Form  or call us toll-free at 1-855-429-6669. Anonymous or confidential submissions may be made using either option.

Q:   Can I be fired, demoted or suspended from my job at the VA because I filed a whistleblower disclosure with OAWP?

A:   Retaliation, taking, threatening to take, or failing to take personnel actions against someone because they made a protected disclosure is prohibited. Please visit OAWP’s Whistleblower Rights and Protections page. If you’ve filed a whistleblower disclosure, consult with the investigator assigned to your disclosure to discuss possible protections available to you if you believe you received a personnel action based on your whistleblower disclosure.

Q:   How do I request a copy of a closed OAWP investigation?

A:   You may submit a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act via email to oawpfoiarequests@va.gov .  See OAWP’s FOIA page for additional information.

Q:   How can I request a status update concerning a disclosure I filed with OAWP?

A:   Please send the request to vaaccountabilityteam@va.gov , referencing the applicable case number within the subject line of the email.

Q:   How long does whistleblower protection last after I filed a complaint with OAWP?

A:  There is no bright line rule establishing a period of time for which an individual is protected after filing a complaint with OAWP. Agency officials are prohibited from taking, failing to take, or threatening to take a personnel action because an individual filed a complaint with OAWP. Multiple factors are considered when assessing whether prohibited retaliation occurred.

Q:   How do I find out if something I’m concerned about is appropriate for OAWP to investigate?

A:   If you are seeking additional information about our office, please visit our website, contact the Whistleblower Navigator by email at whistleblowerhelp@va.gov or by phone at 202-461-4500. Additionally, you can review OAWP’s VA Directive 0500. Please note that OAWP does not: 

Q:   How can I find information for programs or resources related to VA Healthcare or benefits?

A:   That information can be found by accessing: Helpful VA Phone Numbers | Veterans Affairs 

Q:   How can I find telephone numbers for other Veterans Affairs offices other than OAWP?

A:   Here’s a list of toll-free telephone numbers for VA support services and other federal agencies.

The Whistleblower Navigator service addresses concerns from Department of Veterans Affairs employees and applicants for VA employment. Veterans requiring assistance should contact the Patient Advocate at their local VA Medical Center or their State Veterans Service Office. Additional contact information for programs or resources related to VA Healthcare or benefits can be found by accessing: Helpful VA Phone Numbers | Veterans Affairs