In Troy’s fifteen years with the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), there have been countless occasions he has demonstrated Excellence and gone above and beyond his job duties, but one stands out in recent memory. In January 2021, Troy was contacted by an employee at another Regional Office and asked to obtain information for a Veteran living overseas. Troy dropped what he was doing to assist, and he was able to satisfy the request quickly. The employee was so impressed with Troy’s knowledge and customer service skills that they contacted our Director. This is the correspondence we received from an employee from another RO: “I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know you have an awesome group of folks working there in your RO. Recently, I reached out to Troy Nicely on the Intake Processing Center (IPC) Team there, who assisted me with doing some updated military information for an overseas veteran, and he was extremely helpful. He was extremely pleasant to work with and stopped what he was doing to assist me. I just want you to know his knowledge was superb and he demonstrated an awesome ability with respect to our mission of ICARE. Please let his supervisor know how pleased we are to have counterparts such as this working at the VA.” The Huntington Regional Office has always known that Troy Nicely is an asset to our team, and it really meant a lot to have an employee at another station recognize the Excellence we see in Troy every day. We are proud to have Troy as a member of our RO family!

Troy Nicely
Claims Assistant - Huntington VA Regional Office