Veteran Buddy Checks

Veteran Buddy Checks encourage Veterans to connect or reconnect with their Veteran friends–just to check in. As part of the effort, Veteran Buddy Check Week, which takes place October 20-24, 2025, builds on the success of the American Legion’s Buddy Check program and the Veteran Wellness Alliance’s Get Involved program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Developed in collaboration with VA, Psycharmor’s VA S.A.V.E. training addresses how to identify a Veteran who may be at risk and teaches viewers what to do to help. Face the Fight is a coalition of corporations, foundations, nonprofit, and Veteran-focused organizations that aim to raise awareness and support for Veteran suicide prevention.

Absolutely! We’ve teamed up with the American Red Cross Military and Veteran Caregiver Network to share resources with caregivers as well as the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, whose Hidden Heroes Campaign brings vital attention to the untold stories of military and Veteran caregivers.

Yes! We’ve teamed up with the Tragedy Assistance program for Survivors (TAPS) to provide peer-based emotional assistance and resources to Veteran loss survivors and their families through the TAPS National Survivor Helpline, available 24/7, at 202-959-TAPS (8277) and Watch the TAPS 2024 National Buddy Check video on YouTube.

Yes! If you have any questions or ideas, please reach out to us.