FOIA Library
Electronic Documents
The VA FOIA Library maintains a collection of documents that are available electronically. These records have been previously requested by another FOIA requester and are likely to become the subject of future FOIA requests. This site also contains proactive disclosures where records are made available absent a FOIA request.
VA FOIA Reports
The VA Raw Data, Congressional, and Chief FOIA Officer Reports are available now.
VA Directives and Handbooks
The VA maintains a list of statements of policy and interpretation which have been adopted by the agency. This information is available online on the VA Directives website. Also, the VA maintains a list of administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect members of the public. This information is available online on the VA Handbooks website.
Please refrain from submitting a FOIA request for personal records. This could delay overall processing.
Requests for personal records
You must request personal records (C-files, medical records, DD214, etc.) from the appropriate administration or agency.
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