VA Freedom of Information Act Goals
VA Agency FOIA mission is to encourage and oversee agency compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Our goals to best serve you are
- Ensuring our team receives, date-stamps, and acknowledges your FOIA requests
- Providing transparency (PDF, 2 Pages) according to law at the highest level possible
- Initiating timely proactive disclosures by releasing documents via our Public Access Link (PAL)
- Providing responsive records quickly and efficiently with password protection capability
- Providing guidance through the FOIA Liaison
- Ensuring VA policies comply with Federal regulatory requirements and legislative mandates and are consistent throughout each VA Administration (Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, and National Cemetery Administration)
Please refrain from submitting a FOIA request for personal records. This could delay overall processing.
Requests for personal records
You must request personal records (C-files, medical records, DD214, etc.) from the appropriate administration or agency.
FOIA Public Liaison:
Ms. Wray
Phone: 202-738-2974