Community Veterans Engagement Boards

Community Veterans Engagement Boards (CVEB) are community collaborations that seek to maximize different local stakeholders and leverage collective impact to address local Veteran issues. The Veterans Experience Office engages with these local boards to:

  • Conduct outreach to Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors
  • Disseminate information on different VA and community resources
  • Assist in ensuring they are fully-functioning and maintaining contact across VA administrations
Community Veterans Engagement Boards

Success Practices

  • Follow proven success factors of collective impact and principles of community engagement that guide the CVEBs;
  • Integrate local service providers and stakeholders with local VA offices to address gaps in services;
  • Identify targeted localized goals and follow a model of impact metrics;
  • Remain inclusive, accessible, and share information on community engagement activities with the public; and
  • Listen to the voice of the Veteran, family, caregiver, and survivor.

Model Framework

A CVEB model framework is a collaboration that is inclusive, accessible, community-driven, flexible, and integrated.


  • Remain open to all Veterans, Service members, their families, stakeholders, resources, advocates, and existing community engagements and efforts
  • Establish a collaborative network within the community and provide the opportunity to connect with other Veteran-friendly communities


  • Conduct public forums to provide open lines of communication and opportunities to collaborate
  • Hold public forums in geographically diverse locations to encourage broad participation


  • Focus on local issues identified by the community
  • Understand the issues and remain actively engaged


  • Ensure local communities lead collaborative efforts to reflect unique characteristics and populations
  • Customize to meet local needs


  • Connect to local resources and capabilities to maximize impact and improve Veteran outcomes
  • Leverage VA’s integrated presence with representation from all three administrations