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Black Soldiers From 3-24th Infantry’s Legacy
On February 22, 2022, the National Cemetery Administration unveiled a wayside sign at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery near seventeen graves of Black World War I soldiers from the 3-24th Infantry executed by the Army as mutineers after a violent, racially driven melee in Houston. The events led to an immediate, historic change to the courts-martial appellate-review process on January 17, 1918.
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Fort Whipple – Historic VA Medical Center Started as Army Post
The present-day Bob Stump VA Medical Center campus in Prescott, Arizona has had a long and interesting history from the time the Arizona Territory was created in 1863. Established as Fort Whipple, the facility transitioned over many years to an eventual VA Medical Center campus.
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Halyburton and Grimsley – Story of U.S.’s First POWs in WWI
After a night raid by German forces on Nov. 2, 1917, a group of U.S. soldiers became the first group taken prisoner in WWI. These POWs included Sgt. Edgar Halyburton and Pvt. Clyde Grimsley, and each suffered the privations that occurred in early 20th Century imprisonment.
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Florence Standish – Early 20th-century Asheville VA nurse
Florence Standish was a nurse who worked on the historic Asheville VA Medical Center campus in the early 20th Century when the Army maintained the hospital. A photo found by a local VA employee began a journey that helped identify this pioneering nurse.
Featured Stories
1921: Veterans Bureau is born – precursor to Department of Veteran Affairs
President Warren G. Harding made a commitment to streamline and improve benefit services for the millions of World War I Veterans in the U.S. In August of 1921, he signed the bill creating the Veterans Bureau, the first independent federal agency to manage all facets of Veterans care. The legacy of the Veterans Bureau lives on in the modern VA, which continues its forerunner’s tradition of service to Veterans and their dependents.
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July 21, 1930: Veterans Administration created
On July 21, 1930, President Hoover signed Executive Order 5398 and the Veterans Administration, more commonly called VA, was created. It would replace the Veterans Bureau and changed how the federal government managed the growing Veteran benefit system.