• Read VA Research at 100: A Century of Medical Advancements


    VA Research at 100: A Century of Medical Advancements

    In 1925, 100 years ago, the Veterans Bureau initiated the first hospital-based medical research studies to address Veteran-specific issues like mental health, tuberculosis, cancer and toxic exposure. The program has since made significant medical breakthroughs and innovations, impacting the world.

  • Read Object 89: VA Film “You Can Lick TB” (1949)

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 89: VA Film “You Can Lick TB” (1949)

    In 1949, VA produced a 19-minute film titled “You Can Lick TB.”  The film follows a fictional conversation between a bedridden Veteran with tuberculosis and his VA doctor, dramatizing through brief vignettes the different stages of TB treatment and recovery.

  • Read Object 87: Shoulder Patch For Veterans Administration Military Personnel in World War II

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 87: Shoulder Patch For Veterans Administration Military Personnel in World War II

    For a time during and after World War II, active duty military personnel were assigned to the Veterans Administration.

    That assignment was represented by a blue circle with a golden phoenix rising from the ashes. This was the shoulder patch worn by the more than 1,000 physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals serving in the U.S. Army at VA medical centers.

    This was the same patch worn by Gen. Omar Bradley during his time as VA administrator after the war concluded.

  • Read Object 84: Gettysburg Address Tablet

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 84: Gettysburg Address Tablet

    President Abraham Lincoln is one of the most revered figures in American history. Rankings of U.S. presidents routinely place him at or near the top of the list. Lincoln is also held in high esteem at VA. His stirring call during his second inaugural address in 1865 to “care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan” embodies the nation’s promise to all who wear the uniform, a promise VA and its predecessor administrations have kept ever since the Civil War.

    Ever since Lincoln first uttered those memorable words in November 1863, the Gettysburg Address has been linked to our national cemeteries. In 1908, Congress approved a plan to produce a standard Gettysburg Address tablet to be installed in all national cemeteries in time for the centennial of President Lincoln’s birth on February 12, 1909. 

  • Read Object 83: First Liver Transplantation at VA Hospital

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 83: First Liver Transplantation at VA Hospital

    Prior to the 1960s, liver failure always ended in death. In May 1963, however, Dr. Thomas E. Starzl made medical history at the VA hospital in Denver, Colorado, when he performed the first liver transplantation on a patient who survived the operation.

    Starzl's continued to refine his procedure, becoming a leading expert on liver transplants. The success rate for early transplants wasn't optimal, but that didn't stop him from researching new techniques and post-care practices. These innovations, coupled with new medications, improved the effectiveness and life-saving measures of that vital transplant surgery.

  • Read Muskogee VA: A Hundred Years of Native American Veteran Care

    Featured Stories

    Muskogee VA: A Hundred Years of Native American Veteran Care

    Native Americans have served the United States with honor, loyalty, and bravery since the Revolutionary War. Despite facing discrimination, many Native American Veterans volunteered for service throughout the centuries, making significant contributions on the battlefield. Some saw it as fighting not only to protect the United States, but also their ancestral land. For their sacrifice, the VA hospital in Muskogee has led the charge in providing exceptional care for Native American Veterans for 100 years.

  • Read Object 82: LGBTQ+ Monument in Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 82: LGBTQ+ Monument in Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer monuments adorn cemeteries across the United States, but only two are in national cemeteries maintained by VA. At Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Ellwood, Illinois, a four-foot-tall monument bears witness to the honorable service of LGBTQ+ Veterans. A smaller monument in the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix recognizes all persons who have served their country with “courage and pride” throughout American history.

  • Read Celebrating Women Veterans, Past and Present: Dr. Ivy Brooks

    Featured Stories

    Celebrating Women Veterans, Past and Present: Dr. Ivy Brooks

    As a historian, connecting the present day with past events is a process fundamental to the profession. Researchers typically rely on information contained in archives and databases, but sometimes the most relevant details are provided by people. This was the case as a newly arrived historian at the Tuskegee VA Hospital attempted to ascertain details surrounding the life and career of Dr. Ivy Brooks, former director of radiology.

  • Read Object 81: World War I Insurance Certificate

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 81: World War I Insurance Certificate

    An effort to remake the Veteran benefits system during World War I led to the 1917 War Risk Insurance Act that provided insurance benefits to Veterans well beyond their act of service was completed. A $10,000 policy could furnish the beneficiary a monthly income of over $57 in the early 20th Century.

    It was a popular benefit, with 4 million applications before the end of the war. This program greatly impacted VA's future insurance efforts.

  • Read A Tragedy of Two B-17 Crews Over Berlin

    Featured Stories

    A Tragedy of Two B-17 Crews Over Berlin

    Four men, a pair on two different B-17s in World War II, interred in four different National Cemeteries. Each man has a different story, but tied together in a fateful crash on June 21, 1944 over Germany. While these crew members of the famed Flying Fortress aircraft were lost, their journey only began as the U.S. government sought to find their remains, and return them to American soil for their rightful burial in a national cemetery.

  • Read Object 80: LUKE/DEKA Prosthetic Arm

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 80: LUKE/DEKA Prosthetic Arm

    In the 19th century, the federal government left the manufacture and distribution of prosthetic limbs for disabled Veterans to private enterprise. The experience of fighting two world wars in the first half of the 20th century led to a reversal in this policy.

    In the interwar era, first the Veterans Bureau and then the Veterans Administration assumed responsibility for providing replacement limbs and medical care to Veterans.

    In recent decades, another federal agency, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), has joined VA as a supporter of cutting-edge research into artificial limb technology. DARPA’s efforts were spurred by the spike in traumatic injuries resulting from the emergence of improvised explosive devices as the insurgent’s weapon of choice in Iraq in 2003-04.

    Out of that effort came the LUKE/DEKA prosthetic limb, named after the main character from "Star Wars."

  • Read Object 79: VA Study of Former Prisoners of War

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 79: VA Study of Former Prisoners of War

    American prisoners of war from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam faced starvation, torture, forced labor, and other abuses at the hands of their captors. For those that returned home, their experiences in captivity often had long-lasting impacts on their physical and mental health. Over the decades, the U.S. government sought to address their specific needs through legislation conferring special benefits on former prisoners of war.

    In 1978, five years after the United States withdrew the last of its combat troops from South Vietnam, Congress mandated VA carry out a thorough study of the disability and medical needs of former prisoners of war. In consultation with the Secretary of Defense, VA completed the study in 14 months and published its findings in early 1980. Like previous investigations in the 1950s, the study confirmed that former prisoners of war had higher rates of service-connected disabilities.