
  • Limiting use of Social Security Numbers through mail

    Sending Veteran or other individuals’ Social Security Numbers through the mail is either eliminated or reduced, thanks to a final rule released and being implemented by VA.

  • Social Media, the Safe Way

    Social media is essential in linking us with friends, family, and people from all over the globe to communicate instantly. But learning about and following online safety tips is crucial to managing our online presence and staying safe.

  • PACT Act and Privacy

    In case you missed it: Webinar to avoid PACT Act scams and identity theft! Veterans are prime targets of scams and identify theft, so VA’s Privacy Service hosted the Feb. 1 webinar to help you understand how to safeguard your benefits and other finances from scammers.


Veterans and Caregiver Give Cyber Safety Advice

VA Privacy Officers (POs): Your Data Protection Partner

Webinar: Military and Veteran Scams: Protecting Those Who Protect Us by Cybercrime Support Network with Former VA Chief Privacy Officer Joseph Stenaka

Privacy Best Practices for Veterans