• Read Patriotic postcards sent with Memorial Day greetings

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    Patriotic postcards sent with Memorial Day greetings

    Sending Memorial Day greetings! Over a century ago, the craze for penny postcards with a pretty picture introduced a fast, affordable means to communicate. Like Instagram. Decoration or Memorial Day was a very popular and patriotic greeting theme—depicted with flags, flowers, and veterans. Explore deltiology through a sampling of holiday postcards from the NCA History Collection.

  • Read Object 30: President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 30: President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

    On March 4, 1865, as the Civil War entered its final weeks, President Abraham Lincoln second inaugural address was delivered from the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol. Four years earlier, he had stood in the same spot when he spoke to the crowd that had assembled for his swearing in as the sixteenth President of the United States.

    This time, his speech focused on the task ahead for the country, a stirring call for healing and reconciliation. A significant section of his speech was a solemn promise to those who had fought to restore the Union: "...let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."

  • Read Object 27: National Cemetery Gateway Arch

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 27: National Cemetery Gateway Arch

    In early 1880, a journalist visited the monumental National Cemetery Gateway Arch at Chattanooga National Cemetery in Tennessee as it was nearing completion. He came away impressed.

  • Read Object 25: Grand Army of the Republic Parade

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 25: Grand Army of the Republic Parade

    From the aftermath of the Civil War to the onset of World War One, the Grand Army of the Republic reigned supreme as the largest Veterans' organization in the nation.

  • Read Object 20: The Washington Arsenal Monument

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 20: The Washington Arsenal Monument

    The National Cemetery Administration serves as the steward for government and military lots at select private cemeteries nationwide. The Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C., is home to the Washington Arsenal Monument, which honors the women who died in an explosion at the arsenal during the Civil War.

  • Read Object 18: The Perry Point Grist Mill and Mansion House

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 18: The Perry Point Grist Mill and Mansion House

    VA manages more than 1,700 historic properties, but none older than the Grist Mill and Mansion House on the campus of the Perry Point VA Medical Center in Maryland.

  • Read Object 17: The “Meigs Plan”

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 17: The “Meigs Plan”

    National cemeteries originated out of necessity during the American Civil War. In the summer of 1862, as casualties mounted at an alarming rate, Congress empowered President Abraham Lincoln to purchase and enclose burial plots as national cemeteries to inter the growing number of Union dead. Army Brigadier General Montgomery C. Meigs developed the Meigs Plan to accomplish this.

  • Read Object 16: War of 1812 Widow’s Pension Claim

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 16: War of 1812 Widow’s Pension Claim

    In 1776, the fledging American government passed the first national law compensating soldiers and sailors disabled in the Revolution, but it was slower to make any provisions for widow's pension claims.

  • Read Object 12: Pension Bureau Building

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 12: Pension Bureau Building

    In 1882, the Pension Bureau hired 770 new clerks, doubling the size of its work force. The additional manpower was necessary to keep up with the explosive growth of the pension system after the Civil War. Work soon began on constructing a new Pension Bureau building to serve as the headquarters and home for the enlarged work force.

  • Read Object 10: Togus Time Capsule

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 10: Togus Time Capsule

    A Togus time capsule filled with objects and historical materials provides a snapshot of a particular time and place. This capsule was found on the Togus National Cemetery in Maine while masons were working on a monument.

  • Read Object 9: National Home Beer Token

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 9: National Home Beer Token

    Beer halls and beer gardens were familiar to Civil War Veterans who resided at branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (NHDVS). The administrators limited consumption in these beer halls by selling beer tokens or tickets that were exchanged for beer. The compromise was welcomed by administrators and Veterans alike.

  • Read National Cemeteries and President Abraham Lincoln

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    National Cemeteries and President Abraham Lincoln

    President Abraham Lincoln’s famed 272-word Gettysburg Address, cast in iron tablets, was placed in national cemeteries in 1909 as part of a nationwide birthday centennial program. When the popular president, born February 12, was honored again in 2009, NCA began to produce more tablets to ensure the speech is in all new national cemeteries.