One impetus for the Privacy Act of 1974 was Congressional concern about the government’s use of computers to keep records about individuals, with the Act’s preamble identifying automated record keeping as potentially harmful to record subjects.

The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, or the Computer Matching Act (CMA), amends the Privacy Act of 1974 to establish procedural safeguards affecting agencies’ use of Privacy Act records in performing certain types of computerized matching programs.

Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552a(o), “no record which is contained in a system of records may be disclosed to a recipient agency or non-Federal agency for use in a computer matching program except pursuant to a written agreement between the source agency and the recipient agency or non-Federal agency,” subject to other delineated exceptions.

Below is the latest Computer Matching Activities Report and a listing of all computer matching agreements with their corresponding Federal Register Notices.

Computer Matching Activities Report

Computer Matching Agreements and Federal Register Notices

Department of Housing and Urban Development – Department of Veteran Affairs (HUD-VA) Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS)

Department of Defense – Veterans Benefits Administration (DoD-VBA) Disability Compensation and Pension for Recipients Who Return to Active Duty #87

Veterans Benefits Administration – Department of Defense (VBA-DoD) Eligibility for Montgomery GI Bill (Active Duty and Selected Reserve) and Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits

Veterans Benefits Administration – Social Security Administration (VBA-SSA) Eligibility for VA Benefits/MBR Match 1030

Veterans Benefits Administration – Federal Bureau of Prisons (VBA-BOP) Eligibility of Incarcerated VA Beneficiaries

Department of Education – Veterans Benefits Administration (ED-VBA) Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA)

Social Security Administration – Veterans Benefits Administration (SSA-VBA) Individual Self-Certification of Eligibility for Prescription Drug Subsidy #1309

Department of Defense – Veterans Benefits Administration (DoD-VBA) Reserve Pay Reconciliation #89

Department of Health and Human Services – Veterans Benefits Administration (HHS-VBA) State Public Assistance Agencies (SPAAs)

Social Security Administration – Veterans Benefits Administration (SSA-VBA) Supplement Social Security Income (SSI) Eligibility Verification Match 1008

Veterans Health Administration – Internal Revenue Services (VHA-IRS) Verification of Income of Medical Care Applicants (DIFSLA) #066

Veterans Benefits Administration – Social Security Administration (VBA-SSA) Verification of Income Tax Returns Match 1050

Veterans Health Administration – Social Security Administration (VHA-SSA) Verify Eligibility for Health Benefits Program Match 1052

Internal Revenue Services – Veterans Benefits Administration (IRS-VBA) Verify Unearned Income Information (DIFSLA)

Department of Education – Veterans Benefits Administration (ED-VBA) Federal Student Loan Forgiveness

Department of Health and Human Services – Veterans Health Administration (HHS-VHA) Determination of Eligibility under ACA (HHS Match 2304)

Department of Veterans Affairs – Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (VA-HHS/CMS) Disclosure to Support VA’s “Seek to Prevent Fraud, Waste and Abuse” Initiative

Department of Treasury/Department of Veteran Affairs Financial Services Center (Treasury/VA FSC) Do Not Pay

2022 Department of Treasury/Department of Veteran Affairs Financial Services Center (Treasury/VA FSC) Do Not Pay

Lifeline and Other Federal Connectivity Benefit Programs Computer Matching Agreement with the Department of Veterans Affairs

Small Business Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Veteran Affairs Computer Matching Agreement (VA-CMS) to Detect and Recover Duplicate Medical Claims