The Office of Enterprise Policy and Governance (EPG) leads and manages the Departmentā€™s policy management process and provides policy analysis support to the Secretary and VA senior leadership.Ā  It oversees the VAā€™s policy research and collaboration activities with strategic partners (other federal agencies, academia, think tanks, and ally countries). EPG also leads VA enterprise governance to enable efficient and effective decision-making and promote timely sharing of information on matters of mutual interest to VA Administrations and Staff Offices.


To lead VAā€™s policy management and enterprise governance capabilities.

Policy Analysis Services

  • Leads the organizational change and the delegations of authority process
  • Determines the impact of newly enacted legislation on VA policy
  • Produces the Departmentā€™s Functional Organizational Manual
  • Maintains the Departmentā€™s organizational hierarchy
  • Supports the National Academy of Medicine Task Force
  • Supports the Assistant Secretary in their role as certification authority for Enterprise-wide directives, handbooks and Notices

Enterprise Governance

  • Leads VA governance in accordance with VA Directive 0214.
  • Serves as the Governance Secretariat for the VA Executive Board, VA Operations Board, Evidence-Based Policy Council and other enterprise governance bodies.
  • Oversees the day-to-day management and administration of VAā€™s governance process to include establishing policies and standard operating procedures for governance bodies, scheduling and coordinating governance board meetings, setting and managing the agenda for governance meetings, and tracking associated action items.
Craig Stanton

Executive Director, Enterprise Policy and Governance Office