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Facility Name State Status Code Additional Info
Causeway VA Clinic Massachusetts CLOSED The Causeway VA Clinic consolidated with our Jamaica Plain campus, commonly called JP. The last day for appointments at Causeway was Oct. 25, 2024.
Haverhill VA Clinic Massachusetts NOTICE Our Primary Care service has expanded to a larger setting and the entrance now faces Hope Avenue, on the opposite side of Summer Street, at the back of the Medical Arts Center. Specialty Care services have moved into the former Primary Care location facing Mill Street.

VA Medical Centers within VISN 1

VISN 01 Highlights

Preparing for VA Sign-In Changes

Starting in 2025, Veterans will need to use a Login.gov or ID.me account to sign in to My HealtheVet, VA.gov, the VA: Health and Benefits mobile app, and other VA websites.

How to get started

Sign in with an identity-verified account to manage your health care online. If you don’t have an identity-verified sign-In account, such as Login.gov or ID.me, you can create one today. Learn more at Prepare For VA’s Secure Sign-In Changes | Veterans Affairs

Note: After March 4, 2025, you won’t be able to sign in to VA websites and apps with a previously established My HealtheVet user ID and password. Don’t worry. Your My HealtheVet health portal isn’t going away. We’re just changing the way you sign in.

After September 30, 2025, you won’t be able to sign in with a DS Logon username and password. You’ll need to use either a Login.gov or ID.me account to sign in to VA.gov, VA mobile apps, and other VA online services.

Why we’re making this change

·       To reduce the number of sign-in options Veterans need to choose from—just as Veterans have asked us to do.  

·       To continue to protect all Veterans’ information and benefits—and meet the latest federal security standards.

What this change means for you

You’ll need to use a unique email address and add multifactor authentication (MFA) as an added layer of protection for your account.

Not sure if you already have a Login.gov or ID.me account? Try creating a new account with your email address. If you already have one, Login.gov or ID.me will help you reset your password.

How to get sign-in help

·       Sign in or create an account.

·       Videos for how to set up your online VA  sign-in account

·       My HealtheVet Help desk (1-877-327-0022) has options in the phone menu to contact ID.me and Login.gov


o   ID.me: Call the My HealtheVet help desk at 1-877-327-0022, Monday to Friday, 8 am – 8 pm Eastern. The ID.me helpdesk for Veterans is available through the phone menu.  Note: The ID.me help desk is available through this menu from 1030 am to 7 pm Eastern.


o   Login.gov call directly 24/7 at 1-844-875-6446


·       Local My HealtheVet Coordinators

o   If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your local My HealtheVet Coordinator:


My HealtheVet Coordinator

Telephone number

VA New England/VISN 1

Tracey Martin


Bedford VA          

Cher-Marie Bennett 


Manchester VA         

Louis Ruiz

603-624-4366 x202291

Providence VA

Katherine Murphy


VA Boston

Nancy Falleur 


VA Boston

Shari Wilson


VA Central Western MA

Kip Buoymaster

413-584-4040 x6829

VA Connecticut:

Todd Kawecki

203-932-5711 x3301

VA Maine

Michael L’Abbe


White River Junction VA

Bruce Lyndes

802-295-9363 x6895


·       If you are visiting a VA to seek assistance creating a My HealtheVet account using ID.me or Login.gov, please come prepared.  The link below provides more information and a checklist of important items depending on the type of account you want to create.

What To Bring To Create Your Online Sign-In Account | Veterans Affairs

Our Leadership

  • Ryan Lilly, MPA

    VISN 1 Network Director

    Ryan Lilly, MPA
  • Barrett Franklin, MC MBA CCE

    VISN 1 Deputy Network Director

    Barrett Franklin, MC MBA CCE

Connect to VA care

When you can't see a VA health care provider in person, here are some ways to connect to VA virtually — by text, chat, secure messaging, online, over the phone, and using apps. Explore each option and decide which is best for you.

Your feedback matters

Is this website or content helpful? Please let us know. This is anonymous and not stored. Please do not provide personal information — it will not be acted upon. Use Ask VA for questions related to services and benefits. If you or someone you know is in crisis, do not use this form, but connect with the Veterans Crisis Line — Call 988 and press 1 or visit VeteransCrisisLine.net.

We’re here anytime, day or night - 24/7

If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Many of them are Veterans themselves.

Get more resources at VeteransCrisisLine.net.