• Read New Skills, New Freedoms: Occupational Therapy Artifacts from the National VA History Center 


    New Skills, New Freedoms: Occupational Therapy Artifacts from the National VA History Center 

    While Veterans engaged in activities and learned trades at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (NHDVS) since its inception after the Civil War, formal occupational therapy programs became components of rehabilitative care for Veterans beginning in the 20th century. This exhibit explores what type of activities were used to treat Veterans by showing items from the collection at the National VA History Center.

  • Read ‘Hello Girls’ of World War I Quest for Veteran Recognition

    Featured Stories

    ‘Hello Girls’ of World War I Quest for Veteran Recognition

    After the United States entered World War I in 1917, American Expeditionary Force commander General John J. Pershing requested the recruitment of women telephone operators that were bi-lingual in English and French. Eventually 233 were selected out of over 10,000 applicants, and they served honorably through the war, earning the nickname of 'Hello Girls.'

    However, their employment was not officially recognized as military service and therefore were neither honorably discharged, or eligible for the benefits other returning Veterans would receive. This kicked off a 60-year fight for 'Hello Girls' to receive legal Veteran status.

  • Read Object 72: Central Blind Rehabilitation Center’s First Chief Welcomes First Trainee

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 72: Central Blind Rehabilitation Center’s First Chief Welcomes First Trainee

    On July 4, 1948, the Central Blind Rehabilitation Center at the Edward Hines, Jr., VA Hospital in Illinois admitted its first trainee. The Hines Center ushered in a new era of care for blinded Veterans. Yet, its opening was nearly three decades in the making.

    Formalized federal care for blinded Veterans dates back to 1917, with the opening of Army General Hospital #7. Later the need to provide rehabilitative services to vision-impaired Veterans returned after World War II.

    In 1948, VA opened the Central Blind Rehabilitation Center at the Hines VA Hospital outside of Chicago, Illinois. It's location was chosen because of the large Medical Rehabilitation department already in place was well-suited to provide oversight.

  • Read “Like Joan of Arc of Old”: The Origin of Health Care for Women Veterans


    “Like Joan of Arc of Old”: The Origin of Health Care for Women Veterans

    VA History Exhibit - While women have served in nearly all of America’s wars, some only achieved the right to Government-provided health care after World War One. This exhibit examines how women Veterans obtained admittance to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers 100 years ago in 1923, and profiles what care looked like for these first women patients.

  • Read Object 68: Miller Cottage

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 68: Miller Cottage

    At the VA Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, Miller Cottage stands as a mostly forgotten reminder of women’s fight for inclusion in the benefits and health care system for Veterans. This long, multi-story brick building with a white-columned portico originated as a barracks built specifically to house female Veterans on the grounds of what was then called the Central Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (NHDVS). The establishment of the residence represented a rare victory for the female Veterans of the First World War in their quest to obtain government support for all uniformed women who served and sacrificed during that conflict.

  • Read Object 66: Frank Lloyd Wright House for Disabled World War II Veteran

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 66: Frank Lloyd Wright House for Disabled World War II Veteran

    When the GI Bill became law in 1944, it included a home loan program for Veterans. After several changes to update the law to reflect current market prices and challenges, one area still needed addressed: support for Veterans who were dependent on wheelchairs for mobility. The answer was the Specially Adapted Housing program, and one of the earliest homes built with the grant money was designed by acclaimed builder Frank Lloyd Wright.

  • Read Object 64: U.S. Public Health Service Hospital #50

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 64: U.S. Public Health Service Hospital #50

    U.S. participation in the First World War produced a shift away from relying on long-term institutional care for Veterans in need to a model of Veteran welfare centered around short-term hospitalization. During the war, the War Department assumed responsibility for tending to the sick and wounded. Afterwards, when the Army dismantled its hospital system, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) stepped in to fill the breach, acquiring numerous facilities the Army and Navy no longer wanted as well as other properties that could be used for medical purposes.

  • Read Object 63: Disabled Union Veterans 

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 63: Disabled Union Veterans 

    The North’s victory in the Civil War came at an enormous cost to the more than two million men who fought for the Union cause. Over 350,000 lost their lives due to battle or disease. Almost as many were wounded in action. According to Northern medical records, Union surgeons performed just under 30,000 amputations during the war. For these disabled Union Veterans, Congress made provisions to provide monetary compensation. In July 1861, lawmakers hastily passed a law for Union recruits making them eligible for the same pension allowances as soldiers in the Regular Army. Later in 1862, for the first time, a pension law explicitly granted benefits not just for men wounded in battle but also to those suffering from “disease contracted while in the service of the United States.”

  • Read Object 60: VA Medal of Honor Recipients Wall Display

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 60: VA Medal of Honor Recipients Wall Display

    The Congressional Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest decoration for valor in the military. More than 1,000 have been awarded, and 98 of those recipients worked at VA. A wall display outside VA's Under Secretary for Benefits in Washington, D.C. pays tribute to each of those individuals, whose stories are tied to the legacy of Veterans serving Veterans.

  • Read Brig. Gen. Frank Hines – 1st VA Administrator

    Featured Stories

    Brig. Gen. Frank Hines – 1st VA Administrator

    Frank Hines was the longest tenured VA leader, from 1923 until 1945 and end of World War II. He led two different Veteran agencies, first the Veterans Bureau and then the Veterans Administration. Despite constant challenges and changes to the system, he was a stable leader for a new federal agency.

  • Read Edith Nourse Rogers, Champion of Veterans and Women in the Military

    Featured Stories

    Edith Nourse Rogers, Champion of Veterans and Women in the Military

    Edith Nourse Rogers was a trailblazing politician and prominent proponent for Veterans benefits. She accomplished much in her decades-long career - to include admitting women into military service and creating a G.I. Bill of Rights.

  • Read Object 52: Native American Recruits

    History of VA in 100 Objects

    Object 52: Native American Recruits

    At the start of the Great War in 1914, only about half of the 300,000 Native Americans in the United States were citizens. Although the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all “persons born or naturalized in the United States,” it did not apply to Native Americans because they fell under the jurisdiction of tribal authorities rather than the U.S. government