Beth Murphy was appointed Executive Director of Compensation Service on July 25, 2016. Beth is responsible developing and implementing policies, procedures, training, quality assurance and systems enhancements related to the administration of VA disability compensation programs, which paid more than $130 billion in benefits in fiscal year 2023 to more than 5.6 million eligible Veterans and family members. She is the responsible official for VA’s Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Program, a collaboration with Department of Defense to seamlessly transition the most seriously ill and injured Service members. She is licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio. In September 2019, Beth received the Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive, the highest annual award for career Senior Executive Service members.
Prior to her current appointment, Beth served as the Deputy Under Secretary for Field Operations and was responsible for the effective operation and oversight of 56 regional and five district offices in the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA).