Mr. Gregorio E. O. Kishketon is a resident of Chevy Chase, Maryland, joined us from the Office of the Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for Health and Health Informatics (HIG) he also served on the DEI committee, He now serves as a Staff Advisor in the office of Secretary of the VA as the Native American/Alaskan Native Liaison (OSVA) at US Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office, Center for Minority Veterans (CMV) Gregorio has served as a MVPC in both the VHA and NCA and was the Guest Speaker for the MVPC meeting- Washington, DC.
Mr. Kishketon previously worked in, DC with the Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education for the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs (ASIA) and served as a Contracting Officer with the U.S. Dept. of Interior, Mr. Kishketon recently received with the office of the ADUSH, an award from the Dept. of Justice for “Improvement for IT for VA”. Mr. Kishketon has also worked for the NCA – National Cemetery Administration in the field and here at VACO. Mr. Kishketon has also worked in the field for North Texas Healthcare System (VANTHCS) and the VA Valley Coastal Bend Healthcare System (with VISN 17). Lastly, Mr. Kishketon has worked for several years for the US Postal Service in Management serving as a supervisor of delivery services and window services, Postmaster Leave replacement, Officer in Charge, Postal Operations Administrator and ODIS Cadre. He holds an Associate degree in Postal Management.
Mr. Kishketon served in the United States Marine Corps in several roles and was honorably discharged. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma (B.S), The University of Texas (M.S.), Oklahoma City Community College (A.S.) (Hall of Fame 2018) and Texas A&M University Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Dept. of Defense Contracting Officers School – Boston, MA. Mr. Kishketon received in 2015 the VA/NCA/DAV VA Employee of the Year/National Commanders Award. Mr. Kishketon has worked 25 years in the Federal Government, 5 years with a Non-Profit – The American Red Cross with the ARC he served as Emergency Management Liaison for Dallas County and Corporate trainer, and 12 years in the private sector as an Assistant Director and subsequently a director with Med-Net Inc.
Gregorio E. Kishketon is a Tribal Elder with the Water Clan – Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for Saint Augustine University (HBCU). Board of Directors Alumni Association for Oklahoma City Community College. Board of Directors for Corrections (SPC).