Steve Limox was assigned the Acting Chancellor from his official duty as the Deputy Chancellor for VA Acquisition Academy on September 2, 2024. As Acting Chancellor, he directs and oversees the training of VA’s acquisition workforce. In addition, he serves as executive leader for the Academy’s unique business units whose purpose is to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of VA acquisitions. Further, he oversees and manages Government-wide impacts on the Federal acquisition workforce by leveraging the Academy’s efficiencies, professionalism, standardization, and effectiveness to provide acquisition workforce training across the Department as well as to other Government Agencies.
Mr. Limox joins VAAA after serving as the Division Head of Product Support for Supply Chain Systems and Procurement and Logistics at Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA). As division head, he supported Procurement and Logistics (PLO) with the acquisition, program management, implementation, and enterprise-wide deployment of integrated national supply chain information systems, programs, and supporting technology solutions. These solutions provided logistical and contingency planning, operational support, and visibility of supply chain statuses at all levels of the organization to enable intelligent, clinical, and data-driven decision making. Mr. Limox’s team served as PLO’s primary interface supporting VA Logistics Redesign (VALOR) with Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) sustainment at Captain James A Lovell Federal Health Care Center (FHCC). Mr. Limox was overall responsible for the sustainment of the current supply chain logistical systems that fall in the PLO portfolio.
With more than 20 years of service in both Active Duty and Reserve Component of the United States Marine Corps, his ongoing military service has spanned from field operator in ground combat elements to directly supporting the President of the United States as a systems operator aboard the Marine One platform. He currently serves as the Group Sergeant Major for the 4th Civil Affairs Group.
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Limox has served many roles inside the VA. Mr. Limox began his VA career with the Strategic Acquisition Center (SAC) in 2012. In this role Mr. Limox was responsible for facility management and business operations. As a Senior Program/Project Manager and Level 3 COR, Mr. Limox had an extensive portfolio managing complex contractual requirements. Mr. Limox joined PLO in 2018 where he was assigned to manage logistics supply chain contracts representing multiple contracting officers across various departments. As SCS involvement into DMLSS and Electronic Health Record (EHR) began to evolve, Mr. Limox was instrumental in the integration with support to VALOR and EHR Integration Office.
Mr. Limox is a native of Fredericksburg, Virginia and is currently in pursuit of his Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership. Mr. Limox holds a Master of Science in Business Administration (MBA) with concentration in Project Management. Mr. Limox holds a Level III Contracting Officer Representative and Senior Level Program Manger Federal Acquisition Certification. Mr. Limox is a Prosci Certified Change Management Professional and VA LEAN Six Sigma Black Belt. In his spare time, Mr. Limox enjoys spending time with his family and the outdoors.