• Read Remarks by President William Jefferson Clinton<br>Veterans Day National Ceremony

    Veterans Day Speech

    My fellow Americans, if you will let me begin on a point of personal privilege, I was especially proud to listen to Commander Tanguma's speech today. It was about 10 months, almost to the day, from this day that he and I were together in Mission, Texas, his hometown.

  • Read Remarks by President William Jefferson Clinton<br>Veterans Day National Ceremony

    Veterans Day Speech

    Almost 42 million Americans have served in our Armed Forces over the great history of our country. More than 25 million of them are still with us today. That is a remarkable gift for which we can be grateful, for today we pay tribute to the men and women who offered the highest form of service to America. In a world of constant change and uncertainty, we can know with certainty that today America is free, secure, and prosperous because of the gift of your service.

  • Read Remarks by President William Jefferson Clinton<br>Veterans Day National Ceremony

    Veterans Day Speech

    To the distinguished leaders of our veteran's organizations, all the veterans who are here, the Gold Star mothers, the Gold Star wives; Major General Foley; all the members of the Cabinet who are here; the Joint Chiefs; the men and women in uniform, their families and my fellow Americans.

  • Read Remarks by President William Jefferson Clinton Veterans Day National Ceremony -1994

    Veterans Day Speech

    Today we honor all those who gave their lives and all those who have risked their lives so that our nation might remain free. And we honor, of course, all those who at this very moment are standing watch for freedom and security from our bases across the United States to our mission around the world. To each and every American who has worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces we say simply, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.