The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will accept Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests electronically.

If you have a FOIA request that relates to the VA Office of Procurement, Acquisition, and Logistics (OPAL), please submit your request to

If you have a FOIA request that relates to the VA Office of Contruction and Facilities Management (CFM), please submit your request

If you have a FOIA request that relates to the VA National Acquisition Center (NAC), please submit your request to

The Department of Veterans Affairs Freedom of Information Offices are decentralized. Our office does not maintain Military Service Records, Veteran’s Medical or Benefit Records. FOIA related requests, as they relate to Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Benefits Records, National Cemetery Administration, Military Service Records, and Other Administration Records may be submitted through the VA’s FOIA website. Please read all applicable sub sections including but not limited to “How to Submit a FOIA Request,” “Find your local VBA regional office,” and “Find your VHA medical facility.”

To comply with the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016, the VA Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction (OALC) FOIA office publicly, electronically discloses records requested at least three times since June 30, 2016, onto this FOIA Library.


Access the VA FOIA Frequently Asked Questions if you need more information.


VA maintains a collection of documents that are available electronically on the Internet.  These public records include VA statements of policy, staff manuals, as well as high-profile records that have been previously requested by another member of the public and is likely to become the subject of another FOIA request.  It is likely that the information you seek has already been made available on the VA FOIA reading room.

Historical VA Pharmaceutical Prices

Since July 2015, on its website every two weeks, the VA National Acquisition Center posts and updates its negotiated pharmaceutical prices with vendors.  Prior to July 2015, the VA Pharmacy Benefits Management Service posted such on its website.

Historical VA Hearing Aids Procurement Distribution Summaries

Monthly, VA reports sales of hearing aids, remote controls, and wireless devices (adaptors, receivers, and transmitters) processed through the Denver Logistics Center. VA reports sales both by quantity and total dollar value, for each hearing aid manufacturer on contract with VA. There are no records prior to the 2009-2010 report, as the data was not tracked prior to that reporting period.

Medical-Surgical Prime Vendor (MSPV) Contract Records

VA procures contracts for its MSPV program. VA discloses VA Solicitations, Amendments, resultant Contracts, Modifications, and their Attachments relating to the MSPV program.

MSPV-Generation Z Transition Distribution Contract

General Administration Information

MSPV-Generation Z Pime Vendors

  • Cardinal Health 200, LLC
    3651 Birchwood Drive
    Waukegan, IL 60085
    Contact: James Leonowitz
    Tel: (847) 785-4895
    Contract: 36C10X22D0002
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2022
    CoverageVISNs 1, 2, 19, 21, and 22
  • Concordance Healthcare Solutions LLC
    85 Shaffer Park Drive
    Tiffin, OH 44883
    Contact: Doug Essen
    Tel: (605) 261-4707
    Contract: 36C10X22D0001
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2022
    CoverageVISNs 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, and 23
  • Medline Industries, LP
    3 Lakes Drive
    Northbrook, IL 60093
    Contact: Chris Powers
    Tel: (224) 931-7611
    Contract: 36C10X22D0003
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2022
    CoverageVISNs 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19, OGACMOPOGABOPOGAIHSDHHSDOS
  • Medline Industries, LP (PR)
    3 Lakes Drive
    Northbrook, IL 60093
    Contact: Chris Powers
    Tel: (224) 931-7611
    Contract: 36C10G19D0036
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2022
    Coverage: Puerto Rico

MSPV-NG Bridge Distribution Contract

General and Administration Information

MSPV-NG Bridge Pime Vendors

  • Cardinal Health 200, LLC
    3651 Birchwood Drive
    Waukegan, IL 60085
    Contact: James Leonowitz
    Tel: (847) 785-4895
    Contract: 36C10G20D0025
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2021
    DUNS# 961027315
    Coverage: CO, UT, NM, AZ, CA, OR, ID, NV, WA, HI, AL, Guam (Geographic Areas 16 through 19)
  • Concordance Healthcare Solutions LLC
    85 Shaffer Park Drive
    Tiffin, OH 44883
    Contact: Jaysen Stevenson
    Tel: (605) 679-7456
    Contract: 36C10G20D0028
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2021
    DUNS# 080220245
    Coverage: KY, TN, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, MI, MO, IA, KS, NE, ND, SD, MT, WY (Geographic Areas 8 through 13)
  • Medline Industries, Inc.
    3 Lakes Drive
    Northbrook, IL 60093
    Contact: Chris Powers
    Tel: (224) 931-7611
    Contract: 36C10G20D0029
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2021
    DUNS# 025460908
    Coverage: AL, GA, SC, AR, LA, MI, OK, TX (Geographic Areas 6, 14, and 15)
  • Medline Industries, Inc.
    3 Lakes Drive
    Northbrook, IL 60093
    Contact: Chris Powers
    Tel: (224) 931-7611
    Contract: 36C10G19D0036
    Period of Performance: through November 30, 2022
    DUNS# 025460908
    Coverage: Puerto Rico (Geographic Area 21)

MSPV 2.0 Distribution Contract

General and Administration Information

MSPV 2.0 Prime Vendors

  • Cardinal Health 200, LLC
    3651 Birchwood Drive
    Waukegan, IL 60085
    Contact: Stephen Karavitch
    Contract: 36C10X21D0001
  • Cardinal Health P.R. 220, LLC
    Carr. 165 Km 2.4, Edificio 10
    Guaynabo, PR 00968
    Contact: Stephen Karavitch
    Contract: 36C10X21D0002
  • Medline Industries, Inc.
    3 Lakes Drive
    Northbrook, IL 60093
    Contact: Chris Powers
    Tel: (224) 931-7611
    Contract: 36C10X21D0003

MSPV 1.0 Distribution Contract

MSPV contractors include Kreisers Inc., American Medical Depot (AMD), Cardinal Health 200 Inc., Cardinal Health P.R. 120 Inc., Professional Health Supply (PHS) Inc./Medline Industries Inc., Buffalo Hospital Supply Co. Inc., and Claflin Co.