Congressional and Legislative Affairs
VA’s Congressional Fellowship Program offers participants the chance to work in the legislative branch of the federal government for one session of Congress.
Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Welcome 2023 congressional and legislative affairs fellows!
Tribal Consultation Letter
The VA MISSION Act Section 432 funds 100 physician residents’ clinical rotations in non-VA health care facilities, prioritizing facilities operated by Indian tribes or tribal organizations, and the Indian Health Service.
Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Welcome 2023 congressional and legislative affairs fellows!
Tribal Consultation Letter
VA is writing to request tribal consultation to improve health care access for Veterans by re-issuing the VA Tribal Sharing and Reimbursement Agreements.
Tribal Consultation Letter
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is writing to facilitate a tribal consultation to improve health care access for Veterans by re-issuing the VA Reimbursement Agreements.
Tribal Consultation Letter
VA is writing to facilitate a tribal consultation to improve health care access for Veterans by re-issuing the VA Reimbursement Agreements.
Tribal Consultation Letter
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is writing to facilitate a tribal consultation to improve health care access for Veterans by re-issuing the VA Reimbursement Agreements.
Tribal Consultation Letter
We would like to invite Alaska Native Tribal Leaders (or their representative designees), along with Tribal Health Program leadership, to a listening session hosted by the Alaska Native Health Board regarding our collaborative efforts to administer the VA Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Program/Urban Indian Organization (I/T/U) Reimbursement Agreement Program (RAP).
Tribal Consultation Letter
We would like to invite Tribal Leaders (or their representative designee), along with Tribal Health Program leadership, to two listening sessions on February 13, 2022, regarding our collaborative efforts to administer VA’s Indian Health Service/Tribal Health Program (IHS/THP) Reimbursement Agreement Program (RAP) and implement Public Law 116-311, Proper and Reimbursed Care for Native Veterans Act.
Tribal Consultation Letter
Since 2012, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has administered the Indian Health Services/Tribal Health Program (IHS/THP) Reimbursement Agreement Program (RAP).
Tribal Consultation Letter
VA continues to seek improvements to VA’s IHS/THP RAP to enhance program operations.