Asset Enterprise Management
The Office of Asset Enterprise Management (OAEM) is one of the principal policy offices and business advisors to the Assistant Secretary for Management and the Secretary, providing objective oversight and advice regarding the acquisition, management, and disposal of all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) capital assets. The Executive Director, OAEM serves as the Senior Real Property Officer on behalf of the Assistant Secretary for Management, and also serves as the Chief Sustainability Officer for the Department. OAEM programs have Department-wide implications, affecting policy decisions, operation, and procedures for the development and management of VA’s capital assets.
OAEM oversees capital asset activities to ensure a consistent and cohesive departmental approach and effective portfolio and asset performance management throughout the capital asset life cycle. OAEM has primary responsibility for developing and promulgating the governance policies and principles, processes, decision-making and performance measuring systems related to the Department’s capital asset management. The office provides guidance, standards, and technical expertise with respect to individual investments, infrastructure related programs and initiatives.
- The Capital Asset Policy, Planning and Strategy Service (CAPPSS) serves as the focal point for the development and management of policies and processes to support capital investments of the Department across all construction and leasing programs.
- The Enhanced Used Lease (EUL) office manages and executes EULs that help in combating homelessness for Veterans. The EUL program repurposes underutilized VA real property assets for either supportive housing for homeless Veterans or Veterans at-risk of homelessness, or for providing direct or indirect benefits to Veterans.
- The Capital Asset Management Service (CAMS) manages VA’s portfolio of capital assets, performance monitoring of the portfolio, real property management, disposal and reuse planning, real property data management, and on-going analysis of the portfolio.
- The Energy, Environment and Fleet (EEF) program serves as the policy and program office, helping ensure VA meets performance and reporting mandates in the areas of energy and water, environmental, and vehicle fleet management.
- The Capital Operations and Planning Service (COPS) handles the evaluation, analyzation and planning of OAEM-wide administrative operations and resources including manpower management, space, and equipment.
Executive Director, Office of Asset Enterprise Management